Prologue/Chapter 1

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Y/n was in his bed. He was wearing his under clothes by the because of the night that he had with Ellie. Alcohol is something that he like to take a lot when he is in journeys like these but he can't say that he had no regret for doing stuff like this. He looked over and the bin to see some sort of rubber right in there. Well that was one hell of a night that he had back there. He will never drink this much again. It was really cold out there so he have to put on the best jacket that he have with him if he is gonna want to survive this cold. While he was getting ready he heard a sudden knock in his door.

Y/n: Come in!

It was Lilith. Lilith was a woman who looked like she was in her middle age. She wore a brown winter jacket and a blue jean.

Lilith: Hey kiddo, how are you doing?

Y/n: I'm doing good.

Lilith: I heard that you and Ellie had one hell of a night.

Y/n: Will you please stop talking about that please. I guess that drank a lot and Ellie went along with this. You know I gets that the ladies here do like what they see.

Lilith: Alright kiddo. I take that you did have a good old time. I will leave you right to it then. Make sure that you have all the stuff that you need.

Lilith: Okay kiddo, I will be seeing you once you are done. Make sure that you have all the things that you need.


Currently, Ellie is in her bed sleeping and she's woken up by someone knocking at her door and she looked over at the time.

Ellie: Oh, shit...Fuck.

Ellie then walked over to the door and opened it and saw it was just Jesse.

Ellie: Hey.

Jesse: Morning!

Ellie: Sorry, I totally overslept. Just give me a minute and I'll get dressed.

Jesse: I heard you had quite a night after I left.

Ellie: I...She kissed me. It was just Dina being Dina. She didn't mean anything by it. 5

Jesse just looked at Ellie confused.

Jesse: I was taking about your fight with Seth. Wait...You kissed Dina?

Ellie looked at Jesse surprised.

Ellie: Oh...I thought that's-

Jesse: We're broken up one week and you make a move on my girl? 1

Ellie: No...She was probably just trying to make you jealous. I didn't...I would never...Oh fuck this is awkward...

Jesse then just smirked at Ellie.

Jesse: I'm messing with you, man. I don't care. Get dressed.

Ellie then just looked at Jesse annoyed.

Ellie: You're the worst.

Ellie then went to slam the door in Jesse's face, but Jesse stopped it.

Jesse: It's kinda fucked up you did that.

Ellie rolled her eyes and closed the door and she walked over desk to grab her jacket, bag and gun.

Back to Y/n.

Y/n took up all the guns in the room that he will be needing. He suppose that he cluid slack off for sometime nje but that would make him be a little late for his trip now.  Well that is enough slacking off for him, it is time for him to go. He walked off into the cold with his backpack right on his back. It wasn't all that bad being outside in the cold once he had his jacket on. A barking caught his attention. It was from his pet dog, Sparks. He was holding a ball in his mouth.

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