Chapter 5

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Y/n and the rest were sleeping up in a really nice warm spot. He liked the real comfort and the thought of Ellie sleeping right next to him. They may have argued a bit but it doesn't mean that the two don't love each other anymore. The argument was lit but everything seems to be calming right down now. He poked her cheeks.

Y/b: Hey Ellie, I have something to ask you.

Ellie: Yeah?

Y/n: What do you think how Dina would act if she saw us hugging like this?

Ellie: I don't know. My thought is that she might get a little bit jealous.

Y/n: Well that is something that I would keep in mind that she will do but yet again, she does have Jesse. Maybe she can go back to him and start all over with him.

Ellie: Yeah, I guess that you could be right about that.

Y/n: Oh  and one more thing for sure now. We can tag if you wanna.

Ellie was so annoyed by his comment.

Y/n: I knew that I would get you with that. So what do you wanna do when all of this shit is over?

Ellie: I don't know. I was thinking about getting a new home. Somewhere where we can live together in piece.

Y/n: Yeah, I know what you mean by that. You mean like a mansion. That is where I agree with you upon.

Ellie: That would be cool for us to go watch a movie and party still we're drunk.

Y/n: That sounds really cool. So I think that we have talked long enough. I say that we take a good long sleep. I'm sure that we can all talk about this in a real long morning.

Ellie fell asleep right on his chest in warmth. Y/n kissed her cute little forehead.


Y/n and Ellie were sleeping right in peace. It was a nice little sleep but they all have to get up right now. Y/n yawned and got up. She tapped on Ellie to get her up. He later woke up Jesse.

Y/n: I do find it to be a really lovely time to be asleep but not lovely enough. We're in the middle of the woods. We should be lucky that there weren't any infected. We were really lucky to have this time in the woods all by ourselves.

Jesse: So I heard y'all talking about Dina.

Y/n: Well, it is nothing that we shouldn't even be talking about. I was thinking that she would be somehow jealous to be seeing me and Ellie together like this. I just didn't how she would feel about this. I just always imagine her being a little bit kissed about this whole thing.

Jesse: I would like to think the same thing.

Y/n: Alright. Let's go.

They all went into the large car. The engine won't start for some reason. It could be for one obvious reason. It was out of gas. Good thing that they all have some gas on them are they will be out of luck. Y/n poured all of the gas right into the vehicle. They really need to she a really long break after all of the shit that they have been through for the last day. They were now back in Jackson. Why did they not go for Abby now is because they didn't want to keep some people worried and on top of that it would be incredible just reckless since they are lacking food. Well they did hunt but they need fresher food. The walk to the aquarium is dangerous and could be swarming with soldiers and some infected so they think they need to make sure that people are okay before they leave. The door that they were at was Dina.

Y/n: Hey Dina, I think that it would be a perfect time to talk about some things.

Dina: Yeah, I'm listening.

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