Chapter 2

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As I watched the rain slide down the apartment windows and the thunder crack through the night, my mind traveled back to two days ago. The sound of the thunder matched my anger, the loud roar that resounded through the night sky was me and I started to raise hell upon the city. All logic had gone out of the window, someone tried to kill me and my boy, so actions needed to take place. I have been killing people left and right, assuming that they were responsible for what happened to Lu and stealing my supply. No remorse was given and no regret was felt. Yet, I knew that what I was doing was wrong but my anger prompted me to handle things the way I did.

I heard shuffling in the bed which drew my attention to the naked light brown figure wrapped in silk linens.

"Come back to bed." She said in a husky voice. I could not help but to roll my eyes in the darkness of the room. I had to question myself, "why the fuck am I still here?"

Tameka, my long time "releaser" as I would call her, was and will forever be my hoe.

She came when she was called, didn't expect or want anything from me, listened without talking back, everything a side bitch should be. I had no real respect for her, I simply tolerated her, that's it.  I knew that she didn't have any respect for me but my status made her afraid of me which was ten times better.

Fear controls a person and if enough of it is invoked, they do everything you wanted, hence Tameka. Fine little caramel thing but lacked any type of self respect. Sadly she didn't know her worth and I didn't have the time to show it to her. If you didn't respect yourself, why would I respect you? She had her purpose though, good pussy and a drug transporter.

I couldn't tell you anything else about her because pillow talk was not on my agenda with her. I honestly didn't care what her favorite movie was, what her favorite color was or favorite food, or what type of shit she liked to do with her free time. My desire for her didn't run that deep because my respect for her didn't run that deep and neither did my patience or interest.

"You know I'm not with that shit," I said looking directly at her as she attempted to cuddle. I got what I came for and that was all I wanted and needed. The extra shit was truly unnecessary.

I saw her roll her eyes in the dark. She truly didn't want to lay with me, she simply wanted to see if I would listen to her and give into her. This was the constant game we played.  She feared me but at times she tested her power with me. She always attempted to have deeper conversations, tried to cuddle and tried to ask me questions on a deeper level. The shit never really worked and to let her know my power was still the highest, I always shut her down.

I could never fall asleep  or cuddle with a hoe; I have seen too many dudes get set up that way, you get what you came for and you leave. There is no reason to be lingering around because anything can happen, hence why I am questioning myself for still being here.

I was so caught up with catching whoever it was who stole my supply to where I wasn't thinking clearly, I knew this. I knew that I was slipping on logic and being irresponsible with my actions but when something transpired like this, I only knew one way to handle it and that was to invoke fear in my enemies.

Shit was not adding up, no one knew our drop site, no one knew the schedule of the pick ups, no one knew what time anything was taking place but yet, nigga still managed to make it to the drop site before we did. The only conclusion that I could come up with was that we were followed on the previous drop and they learned the schedule, that was the only thing that made sense.

I had business to handle with Keef, a low rank dealer from the 8th ward who had an issue with me. My informant had already told me that he was talking mad shit and trying to rally some of the 8th ward animals against me. I can't say that I was worried, when you have been in this game long enough, eventually, everyone wants the top spot, my spot and I have been in this spot a minute.

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