Chapter 3

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I popped up with a sense of urgency, in taking as much air as I possibly could and slowly exhaling. The softness of the couch was not what I felt as I moved my legs, I no longer smelled lavender in the air, or burning for that matter. I once again smelled death which caused my body to stiffen. Once my eyes adjusted to my surroundings, I don't think that anything in the world could have prepared me for what I saw. I was in a skin padded room, that had no doors, no windows, which meant no way in and no way out. The smell had to come from the green puss oozing from the skin that looked like it was moving...actually breathing. The vibration of the skin and the up and down motion of it led me to believe that this thing was breathing. My mind was going a mile a minute trying to process what the hell I was seeing. My mind has to be playing tricks on me, what I'm seeing I'm not seeing. There was a groan coming from the wall that caused a vibration to resonate throughout this small room.

Where the hell am I?!?

I felt slight movement under me which caused me to jump from where I was sitting. I looked down at the place that I just was and just like the wall, the floor was moving up and down as if it were breathing as well. The roughness of the skin rubbed across my feet as I yelled. I was not one to feel fear but something in me sent chills down my spine being where I was. This place was beyond my understanding, beyond what I can comprehend. I looked around me once more trying to understand and process it all. It was hot, hotter than hot and I felt the sweat dripping from my my forehead, breathing proved to be hard as I tried to inhale but was met with a limited amount of air.

This wasn't real, no, I'm dreaming. Yeah, that's what this is, I'm having a damn nightmare. Before I could think any farther, a chuckle left my lips once the realization hit me that I was dreaming but then a booming cynical laugh met with mine and then overpowered it. That's the same laugh I heard before I passed out. My chuckling stopped as the laugh continued to take over the small room. It bounced off of the walls and surrounded my body like the air I should have been breathing. Once again, this wasn't real so I had nothing to worry about, this shit was fake and at any moment, I will be waking up, laughing and joking about how dumb I was to believe this shit.

The laughing continued as I let out a little laugh of my own and took a seat on the still breathing floor, that fear that I felt moments ago disappeared and amusement consumed me. At any moment I will wake up and this foolishness will all be a dream. As I set in one spot an vibration shook the skin under me, it wasn't like the vibration from the breathing but something a little more aggressive. A confused look came over my face as I looked down and saw the floor rumble, I instantly stood up and continued to look down. I immediately noticed that the laughter had ceased without warning, allowing me to focus on what was shaking beneath me, in an instant, the shaking and rumbling stopped causing an eerie silence in the room, a still silence.

This has to be the weirdest damn dream I have ever had.

In the blink of an eye, the rumbling started up again, louder than what it was before and in one instant I felt a sharp pain go through my right shoulder, an excruciating pain like it was a bullet that shot through my skin and a burning sensation sizzled my skin. I felt a groan get stuck in my throat that could not release. The pain was so intense that it caused me to drop to my knees. My mouth was now dry as the Sahara desert as a dry heave exited my throat. As I looked down with my mouth agape, I saw a silver arrow drenched in  blood pierced through my skin. The thought of this possibly being a dream was now a distant memory, this pain was all too real for it to be anything other than my reality. I watched as the blood dipped from this arrow on to the floor made up of skin and as it dripped, the floor sucked it up to where the blood was no longer visible to my eye.

I dry heaved once more and I felt saliva drip from my bottom lip. The cynical laugh returned only this time, it felt so much closer. Within a blink of an eye, two dusty feet appeared before me as I continued to look down and dry heave.

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