Chapter 6

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I sighed as I looked at a sleeping Malika.  Darkness consumed my aunts living  room as  I was leaned against the door seal with multiple things running through my mind.  Even in the darkness I could see her glow. She looked so peaceful as her chest rose up and down with a sense of calmness. A small hint of sage entered my nose and brought my attention to my aunt who was now reciting a prayer. The memories flooded back to me as I recalled her doing the same thing when I was a child, cleansing our home after every ritual with her clients. Now she cleansed because of an unknown entity that invaded her home. I didn't know what I brought into her space but I instantly felt bad, knowing how my aunt is sensitive to the spiritual realm, this could potentially hurt her.

I heard a sigh, " Boy don't you worry yourself about me," was what I heard as I was lost in my own thoughts. I chuckled knowing that she could feel me. That was another thing my aunt was known for, being an empath, it was useful for me as a child but as a teenager and adult, it became annoying but nonetheless appreciated.

I felt a hand on my shoulder as I finally took my eyes off of Malika and focused them on my aunt. Her eyes held love with a lingering concern directly behind them. She let out a sigh as she rested her hand over my heart. I felt her, all of her. Her inner battle was visible in my spirit. She wanted to tell me something, needed to tell me something. She actually longed for it. I actually felt it. A feeling of dread came over me as my heart slowed as my mind began to race. Energy entered me through her, needing to connect to my heart and mind. Warmth flowed through me and calmed in its essence.

"Know who you are and whose you are," she whispered.

I felt her need to expose me to her positive energy but I also felt what has been lingering in her since I stepped foot in the door.

That dread.

"Aunty, what is it that I'm feeling from you?" fear laced in my voice.

Her body stiffened and I felt something different from her, something I couldn't quite put my finger on. I stiffened  as I closed my eyes and  allowed myself to be open to her and feel her. Allowing myself to travel deeper into her emotional essence. I could only feel a small sense of remorse but there was something deeper behind that remorse, fear then I felt it. It hit me like a tone of bricks, I felt death.  That fear was for me, that feeling of death was for me. My eyes popped open and were met with hers. Her hands caressed my face in a loving way as her eyes finally let a small tear drop, betraying her will power. A sigh released from my mouth as I couldn't find the words to say or express how I felt.

We were interrupted by a faint voice calling my name. In my fear, my heart skipped a beat because my heart recognized the voice instantly. I ran into the dark room where Malika called out for me once more. I felt my body go on alert once I heard the pain in her voice. She strained to say my name once more and I felt as if my body could not get to her fast enough.

My hands touched her hands instantly and the heat from them caused me to jump back. Her hands felt like I touched flames and her scream scared me even more. It was an agonizing scream.

"Amarachi, it hurts," she cried as a small tear rolled down her cheek.

Little did she know, my heart cried for her as well. It cried because she was in pain and I didn't know what to do to make it go away. As I stood in shock, my aunt jumped in and stood over Malika  and started chanting. It was a chant that I have never heard before but I did understand that it was in Haitian. Whimpers flowed from Malika's lips as her eyes locked with mine, the tears continued to flow but I kneeled across from her and kept eye contact. Something in me built up from my stomach as I looked at her. It was strength. The strength she needed built up in me and flowed directly to her, letting her know that everything would be alright. Pain still lingered in her as eyes but trust was there as well.

The sounds surrounded the room of my aunts chants, resounding off of the walls and flowing into my ears.

" I love you," Malika whimpered as she continued to stare at me, sweat began to drip from her body as the chants continued.

"I love you more," I smiled making sure to reassure her.

A piercing  scream like that of a banshee flowed from her lips once more as her breathing relaxed. I felt that scream put fear in my heart once more as my mind began to race and panic. I knew that behind that scream was pain, a pain that I could not take away. My aunt stopped her chants and walked over to touch her face. A sigh of relief flowed from her lips as I saw her shoulders relax, no longer tense. I sensed an ease flow from her but it appeared to willingly skip over me, never giving me any type of relied. My mind still reeling from her scream could not allow me to relax, my heart still was not at ease.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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