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The young boy stared out his window, not really looking at the rainy streets below, but more staring blankly at the clouds. He was so unbelievably bored. He was ALWAYS bored. Everything was so boring.

"Dipper, do me a favour and stop brooding, okay?" Mabel's annoyed tone hit his ears. She was always annoyed. Everything annoyed her. "It's putting a damper in my style."

Mason 'Dipper' Gleeful turned his gaze away from the window, and he looked across the bedroom at his twin sister. She was sitting on the nearer side of her bed, arms crossed, one foot tapping impatiently.

"Sorry." He said listlessly. He wasn't really sorry. He just didn't care to argue with her at the moment.

Unfortunately, she disagreed.

"Say it like you mean it." Mabel stood up, placing her hands on her hips and walking to the middle of the room.

"Nah." Dipper rolled his eyes tiredly. "This is my room, and I can do what I like in it."

"You're not even doing anything!" She marched over to him and dragged him to his feet. "And this is MY room too, so you'll just have to get out if you want to mope."

Dipper "hmph"ed and pulled himself out of her grip. Without a word, he stalked past her and left the room. Like he'd said, he didn't care about arguing with her. She could do whatever she was doing in private, and he'd just go entertain himself elsewhere. Or not. He could just find another window to stare out of.

He wandered through the halls of the Gleeful mansion, enjoying the empty quiet, at least to some degree. Some days it felt stifling and lonely. But others it felt nicer, solitary and peaceful.

At least when he didn't run into one of his uncles. They were kinda a thorn in his side, especially Stanley, who was loud and greedy. He idolized his great uncle Ford, but that guy sure was strict. It was kinda rough all around.

He rounded a corner and there was Great Uncle Ford. He managed to stop himself the moment before he walked straight into the tall man's legs.

"Ah." Dipper took a step back, looking up at his uncle. "Hello, Mason."

"Hi." Dipper responded simply. He didn't care for conversation at the moment. He didn't care for anything at the moment. Everything was so boring.

"What are you up to, nephew?" Ford continued to walk right back the way Dipper had come. Dipper sighed and turned around, walking beside his great uncle, as was clearly expected.

"Nothing." Dipper adjusted the amulet at his neck. "There's nothing interesting to do."

Ford cocked his head carefully down at his nephew. "Your sister seems to have no problem."

"She's Mabel."

"Ah, right." Ford nodded. "Well, my boy, if you're looking for something to do, you might go into town and see if you can't attract customers using your... charm." His gaze shifted to Dipper's amulet. Dipper didn't even really need to use it to get people to pay. They came just for him. Foolish teenagers thought they had a chance with him.

"...sure." Literally anything was fine. At least he'd be doing something? Sort of?

"Well then, off you go." Ford tapped his shoulder and scooted him in the direction of the entrance hall. Dipper nodded and set off in that direction. He wrapped his cloak around his shoulders and set out, not needing an umbrella, of course. What was the point of magic if you never used it?

He walked down the sidewalk, ignoring feminine screams of joy. Looked like a few fangirls had been camped outside the manor. To be expected. He mustered up the energy to wink flirtatiously, and one of the girls promptly fainted. She'd probably catch cold, but whatever. Her choice to become infatuated.

As Dipper grew closer to the busier area of town, he started to pick up his step a little. Being adored did have a certain rush to it, and though it didn't cure his boredom in the slightest, it was a good distraction.

And so was that. On a post, becoming suitably soaked, there was a flier advertising something called 'The Mystery Shack', just outside of town by the woods.

Ah, that must be the newcomers his uncles had commented on. So they'd opened a tourist place, huh? Well, he might as well check it out. If they seemed like they'd pose a threat to the Tent of Telepathy, he could always persuade them to shut down.

Dipper started on his way there, striding with purpose he hadn't had before at all, paying no attention to anyone he encountered in his path.


The Mystery Shack looked tacky. The sign, the DIY paint job, the creaky door, it all SCREAMED poorly done. And yet, as he stepped into the front, there were loads of people in the gift shop, some of whom he recognized as Tent of Telepathy regulars.

There was a hushed whispering as he entered. Nothing new. He ignored it and marched up to the dark haired boy standing at the counter.

"Uh... hi?" So Robbie Corduroy was an employee here, hm? Interesting. "Welcome to The Mystery Shack, would you like-"

"Where can I speak to whoever's in charge?" He cut Robbie off, having no time or patience for any sort of sales pitch. "I want to... welcome them to our humble town."

Robbie looked visibly uncomfortable. Dipper could see his sweat. Luckily, before he could say anything, someone else chimed in.

"I can take it from here!" Dipper turned to see the source of the chipper voice, and was stunned by the sight before him.

Oh. Now who is THAT?

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