A New Friend

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You step out of the local Gravity Falls supermarket, struggling to carry two heavy bags of food you thought might be good to have in the house. You're small for your age, and kinda weak, and your arms have trouble holding up all this stuff. For just a moment, you wish your father had come with you. It wouldn't be very pleasant to be around him, but at least you wouldn't have to carry everything yourself.

It's getting late, and the sun is sinking lower with each passing second. You're afraid of what could happen if you stay out too late, so you start the anxious trek home. You keep your eyes low and under your hat, as usual. You're very careful not to look at any of the few people out on evening walks.

You're so focused on avoiding people that you walk straight into someone. You get knocked back onto the ground, dropping your bags. You pray that none of the food was damaged as you nervously try to gather the few things that spilled out back into the bags, ignoring the pain in your back that's probably there from landing on an injured spot.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" A feminine voice sounds from above you. You don't really look up, but she sounds genuinely concerned. You can see her skirt, and you like the colourful style of it. "Are you okay?"

The girl holds out a hand to you. You accept the hand, fingers shaking a bit, and dare to look up at her face as she helps you up. You see a cute blonde girl with large blue eyes full of worry. You immediately feel so much more embarrassed than you did previously.

It occurs to you that she's expecting a response from you, so you mutter out "I'm fine" and brush yourself off, picking up your bags, hoping she doesn't notice you visibly struggling. She does, and moves to help you.

"These are really heavy!" She says, surprised. "What's in them?"

You glance at her, unsure how to handle her high energy and bold way of being that you can see already, even though you just met her.

"Groceries." You answer, shrugging. "We needed a lot of food."

You move to take the bag she's holding from her and continue on your way. You don't want to be delayed much longer. She moves her hand away, shaking her head.

"It's okay, I can help you carry this!" She grins brightly. "Which way are you going?"

You stare at her wordlessly for a moment, not comprehending whatever she thinks she's doing.

"You really don't have to-"

"I want to!" She cuts you off. "You look like you need help, and also I'm new in town and don't have any friends!"

You can't believe she can say that so casually. "Well, you don't want to be friends with me." You walk past her, accepting that she's probably going to follow you no matter what so you might as well let her carry that bag. "I'm kinda uncool."

"I don't mind that!" She bounces along beside you. "I'm Pacifica!"

You glance at her, surprised anyone would want to be friends with an outcast like you. "I'm Gideon." You say quietly.

"Nice to meet you, Gideon!" Pacifica radiates bright and happy energy, you're kinda intimidated by it. You've never met anyone like this before. She's different.

The two of you walk in silence for a while, Pacifica clearly itching to talk about something but probably being turned off by your quiet, distant demeanor.

Eventually the two of you stand at the edge of your street. "My house is just right up there." You say, turning to Pacifica. "I can take that bag now."

"Don't you want me to take it all the way?" She tilts her head curiously. "It's really no problem!"

You shake your head. "It's fine, really." You give her a nervous smile. "We can maybe hang out again some other time."

"Oh! Well, in THAT case..." She grins, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper from inside her jacket pocket. "You can come visit me here! Anytime you want!"

You take the piece of paper, looking down at it. "The Mystery Shack?"

"It's my family's tourist attraction! Mysteries of all kinds! Anyone's welcome!" She's very animated as she says it. She must be very passionate about this Shack.

You nod. "I'll try to stop by sometime." You put the paper in your pocket and take the second bag of groceries from her. You turn away. "Bye, Pacifica." It's really awkward.

"Bye, Gideon!" Pacifica almost sings it, and you hear her turn and skip away.

You walk up the street to your house, unable to prevent your face from smiling, as it so rarely does.

A friend...? 

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