Chapter Twenty~ Baby, Sketching's, and Worries-

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Okay, so i'm a bit confused because people think this was over, but its not! Trust me its FAR from over. It's going to be as long as possible ;) I'm not quite done destroying your souls yet with cliffhangers ;) 

Trust me, you'll know when its over :) and i'll tell you and warn you when i know the endings coming up, but it is not over.

There is more drama to come! 

So to end that awkward convo let's begin xD 


Comment and vote! <3

Lot's of love,

- Marisa <3 


Emily's P.O.V.

I woke up warm. Too warm actually. I shifted around uncomfortable. My eyes flickering open.

I looked around, Harry was gone from my bed, but that was okay, i just wonder when he left.

I sighed and shrugged, forcing my tired limbs out of the bed.

I stretched and laughed when i looked at my reflection and saw myself in the onsies. I shook my head giggling and took it off. Slipping on dark skinny jeans and a blue above the influenve sweatshirt.

I felt.. good today. I don't know why. It was an odd feeling. I hadn't felt so.. stressless in a long time. As if all of my worries had suddenly floated away. I smiled. Deciding to maybe try something different today.

I brushed through my long dark hair and tossed it into a high pony tail. I didn't bother with make-up as usual. Who cared what i looked like anyways? You know, i only lived with the biggest boyband like ever.. 

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, i walked into the kitchen. All the boys were in here... wearing the same clothes from yesterday.

"Hey." I smiled, sitting down at the counter.

They all looked up and mumbled greetings.

"No offense... but why are you still here?" I asked as i stood up from my seat and took a glass from the cabinet and poured myself some water.

They rolled their eyes.

"Well.. after you went to sleep.. we were worried, so Louis and Harry let us spend the night in their guest rooms." Zayn told me.

Aww they were so sweet.

"Aw thanks guys, but you didn't have to do that. I was sleeping." I shrugged.

Niall rolled his eyes, "You almost died." He pointed out, "We weren't going anywhere." 

I felt my heart swell, "Thanks guys." 

Liam smiled, but then narrowed his eyes, "What is that?" He motioned to my sweatshirt.

"Um... clothing?" I said, but it came out as a question. What was his problem?

He rolled his eyes, "I meant, what is the sign on it. Is it for a gang?! Are you in a gang!? Oh my gosh. Where did we go wrong with her?! We did what the book said! Oh God. Help us! Emily! I can't believe you're in a gang! I'm so disappointed."

I stared at him. What the.. Are you joking? He looked at me disapointment in his eyes. Oh my gosh, he was serious. I burst out laughing.

He looked at me confused.

I fell to the ground, clutching my sides, laughing so hard.

"I'm not-" Laugh, "in" laugh "a" laugh "gang!" i exclaimed, rolling around on the floor laughing so hard i could barely breathe, let alone talk. 

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