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The one who gave birth to you. "MOTHER"

The one who is born with you. "SISTER"

The one who is a great companion. "FRIEND"

The one who is born for you. "WIFE"

The one is born from you. "DAUGHTER"

Each and every one who add colors to your life are women but even after this some where in a place a new born baby is killed and the reason is given as she is "GIRL" and somewhere in another place a future doctor or engineer or politician whose dream is killed and was married at the age of 12 and the reason was given as "GIRL" and somewhere a married women is tortured in her in-law's house because she didn't bring any dowry and the reason was given as "GIRL" and somewhere in another place a girl kills herself in the name of sati, a teenage girl who don't even know the meaning of life looses all the colors in her life as she lost her husband.

Didn't all these incidents enough to show that a girl is ill treated and the only reason behind it she being a girl.

I accept that today's world has improved in a far better way that not every women are facing these. But can we assure that no women in the world is now facing these challenges. For sure the answer is NO.

I had witnessed many women who are struggling with these problems just because they are girl. Many laws have come to protect them but being born in a prestigious middle class family the society doesn't allow her to do so.

Above all this is the harassment. Even many small children died because of this. I don't want to blame any specific gender for this but to blame the society which failed to protect an innocent child which failed to raise a boy as a true MAN.

Coming to my story it is purely an imaginary content where I tried to show the struggles faced bt women. 

No worries this time I will be on my point and publish the story as promised. Introduction will be posted next week.

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