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The scene opens with an award show.

Host  :  So everyone welcome to the women's award show. Being an women and managing the house and career is indeed a tough job for every women. But those who prove this wrong and establish their success in both the places shine in their life and today our aim is to honor one such person. She had proved herself as the best daughter , sister , wife , daughter in law , mother and the best business women and it is none other than " LAKSHMI "

So ladies and gentleman lets welcome her over the stage.

Lakshmi  :  Thank you for honoring me with this  prestigious award and first of to address me you said that "being an women" which shouldn't have been said. Achievements are common for all. And no special thing comes when it is a girl or an women. Everybody is equal in god's creation and let's not lower our standards by mentioning being a women as a tag and I want all the women to raise and fight for only their rights I don't want a man to be superior or an woman to be superior. All are equal.

Reporter  :  Mam by speaking about equal rights do you mean to say that girls have equal rights in everything like boys as like smoking, drinking, etc.

Lakshmi  :  It is not necessaru for a girl to do activites which a bou do all I say is let them live a life of a human rather than a man or woman and it is not at all necessary to drink or smoke to become a powerful person it is just the bad habit one has it is just the path one choose

Reporter  :  Mam who do you dedicate this award to?

Lakshmi  :  I would like to dedicate this award to the fire that is burning inside me to achieve something and to my family who unlike this society tried to support me not only because I am a girl but because I had talents with me.

With her speech the function gets over and all were retiring to their houses.

Lakshmi was driving to her house. It was not any normal night because the climate doesn't look so. In a lonely place, where there is no light she hits something  or maybe someone with her car. She stops the car and got out of it to see a teenage girl.

Immediately she takes her into the car and dials her friend who is a doctor. She asked her friend to come to her house since the girl sustained only minor injuries.

In her house,

Dr  :  She had become unconscious just due to the shock.

Lakshmi  :  Thank you so much.

Dr  :  It's my duty.

Screen freezes on Lakshmi's face and that girl's face

Whom do you think that girl might be?????

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I am worried that you all didn't like it such a low response would be really disappoing for an author.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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