Chapter eight- Henry encounters a lot of troubles.

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Back home Henry put all the diamonds but five, in his secret place.
Determined to contact his friend George.
Henry came to George's house. a big and specious two stories house with 8 rooms, four at each floor, surrounded by a garden and a high fence.
it was the afternoon.
George a 46 years old man with little brown eyes and brown hair, medium height. They became friends a long time ago through his second wife, Margaret.
George was dealing with diamonds for many years and was an expert on the subject.
That's why Henry went to consult with him at George's house.
George welcomed him warmly, asking him about his health and sons.
They drank some brandy and talked about general subjects.
They came to the main purpose of Henry's visit.
Henry showed George a big-sized diamond.
George checked it carefully with his magnifying glass. seeming mystified.
He seemed to consider it for a long time.
"Where did you find this diamond? "he asked with a strange voice.
"Found? The diamond is not mine a friend of mine asked me to check its value". Henry answered.
"Strange, it was cut unusually, something which isn't done today, something ancient!"
Deciding he looked intently into Henry's eyes.
"Where did you find it?" he asked. "Did you find more diamonds like that?"
Suddenly he went to his computer and checked again, "As I thought!" he exclaimed.
He turned back to Henry, his face's expression changed into a predator's like.
"Where did you get it?" he asked looking straight into Henry's eyes, his brown eyes burning.
"I told you.." began Henry.
George interrupted him savagely.
"Out with it," he said "that diamond was cut many years ago by Spanish back in the 17th century.
It must be a part of a treasure buried somewhere by pirates!"
Henry was stunned "How did this man know so accurately?" he thought.
He felt he was in a grave situation.
He stood up "Give me back my diamond I will go to another dealer," he said with an unconvinced voice.

"Not so quickly," said George with a sneering smile, then he pushed a button and a big scarred man came into the room.
Murder in his eyes, George nodded to the big man to stand behind Henry.
"Now, take out all those other diamonds from your pocket." He ordered Henry.
"I have none I told you that."
"Search him," ordered George.
The man moved surprisingly fast.
Before Henry could say a word he was sized by the big man, who, brutally searched his pockets and body but didn't find any diamonds.
A short struggle ensued which Henry had no chance.
Before being seized by the big man, Henry remembered to push a secret emergency button in his flying belt, which sent an SOS and his exact location to Paul.
He was hit hard by the big man and fell to the floor unconscionably.
"Throw him to the next room, tie him tightly. I will interrogate him later on."
The big man manhandled him roughly, tying and throwing him on the floor.
When he woke up much later his head was throbbing and there was the big man sitting near him.
He himself was tied to a chair with a thick rope.
"Why am I tied?" he asked the brute.
Suddenly he remembered George, his so-called friend.
The big man didn't answer.
He felt anxious and lonely.
"Did Paul get my emergency call?" he wondered.
"It was stupid of me to come here, without checking the real character of George."
"That I came with a lonely diamond would not help me; they would enforce by brutal measures to reveal to them the diamonds' hiding place."
"They could find my hiding place where I put my life's work of the flying belt." he thought bitterly.
"I must get out of this snakes pit quickly by Paul's help."
After what seemed to be an eternity, the door was opened and George came smiling carrying a glass a brandy.
"Drink!" he said mildly.
"With my hands tied?"
"Sorry, old friend, but you will have to manage."
"Can my hands be tied in front of me instead of behind me?" asked Henry.
George nodded to the big man to do it.
"If you won't cooperate now, your hands will be tied behind you again" he threatened.
"Now tell me where are the other diamonds?" asked George still with a friendly tone.

"The stick and the carrot method." thought Henry.

"Far away,"

"Don't play games with me," said George, making a sign to the big man, who hit Henry on the mouth.

The amazing flying belt - book one - Paul's treasure islandWhere stories live. Discover now