Death Star

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"DOC!", Kylo shouted and sprinted to you, helplessly moving his hands around before helping you sit up slightly, so you'd be a bit more comfortable.

You grabbed one of his hands and made a quiet shushing sound to calm him down. With the amount of adrenaline in your blood you couldn't feel the pain one bit.

"No. No. No.", he whispered. He didn't know what to do, he wanted to help but it wasn't a normal wound you could press your hands on to stop the bleeding. You hadn't really processed what was going on yet. She had severely damaged your torso and given how it looked you didn't give yourself more than ten minutes to live. Maybe fifteen, if you were lucky. Or unlucky? There was no pain now but once it would start to settle in you'd just tell Kylo to shoot you, or do it yourself. After all it hadn't been your arms that were severed.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!", he shouted at Rey. He was the complete opposite of calm, unlike you.

She only turned towards you now. The blood immediately left her face as she saw you. Served her right. After all this was her doing!

"I- I'm sorr-", she stood up and got closer. Kylo was on his feet immediately, his lightsaber back in his hand. It had happened so fast you didn't even catch a glimpse of it flying through the air.

"I. Will. Kill. You.", he pressed out between his teeth and took a step forward.

"It wasn't my fault! I didn't mean to!", Rey whined, grabbing her own saber. She had almost died earlier. She was well aware that she wouldn't survive for more than a minute if Kylo would attack her now.

"Kylo.", you said firmly, however not very loud. He looked down at you. He was so helpless. So enraged and worried at the same time. A mess of emotions.

So was Rey, she was still mourning Leia. Also afraid for her own life. You hoped that somewhere she'd at least feel guilty for causing your death in the next few minutes. Didn't matter. She didn't matter, the only one that did was Kylo.

"Please. Both of you stop.", you continued, wheezing slightly " want to defeat Palpatine. You can't do it without her. And you", you looked over towards Rey, "hate him more than Kylo does. You want to see him just as dead. So for once can't you stop fighting? Put your differences aside? It's one thing you have to do together and then you can go kill each other again."

You whinced loudly as the pain finally settled in. Kylo was immediately kneeling next to you.

"I should have never left you alone.", he whispered, "I should have sent you with the others. Or kept you on the ship."

"Too late now.", you stretched out your hands and he sat down, carefully moving you into his arms.

"Why did you have to be stupid?", his voice was breaking down and he pulled your head against his chest.

"I'd do it again. I don't regret anything.", you smiled and listened to his heart beat. It was going so fast. With every passing second yours got faster too, given your nerve endings were currently overloading.

Rey had put her own lightsaber away and was watching both of you from a few meters away. How much you'd like to be able to hear her thoughts now, she was so confused. Until now she had believed Kylo had mistreated you. How he was reacting and treating you now wasn't something she would have ever suspected.

She carefully got closer, Kylo pulled you more towards him. You squeezed his arm slightly so he'd understand that it was okay. As much as you wanted to put a bullet in her brain, Kylo still kind of needed her to defeat Sidious. Maybe he could kill her after? In your memory? That'd be nice.

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