Chapter One

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I've always loved the sweet smell of Moms coconut shampoo. It reminds me of Hawaii, my future and past home I was forced to leave behind.

As this smell greets me this humid sunny morning, it makes me smile.

I've missed Hawaii every day of my life, where my true love awaits, where my lies don't exist, where I'm as free as a bird.

Yes, I've made a handful of mistakes, but I consider myself a pretty good person. Santa must agree with me since I always get EXACTLY what I want each and every Christmas.

As I spoon cereal into my mouth I watch Mom pack up all her utilities she needs for the days work.
I'm surprised when she puts in a hammer and a butter knife, but I do not question her.

Tyler comes rushing down the steps in complete exhaustion. I can tell he's been studying all night because if his drooping eyes that stare at me now.

"What?" He asks, and he knows. I turn away and laugh as quietly as possible. It's hard to hide my laughter, because almost everything my brother does is humorous.

Grabbing my backpack, I sling it over my shoulder and kiss my mom goodbye. Tyler grunts in appreciation, then waves at me. I wave back, trying hard not to consider him a droopy eyed dog, but my 19 year old brother.

I walk along the dewy stones that lead a single path down our front lawn. The stones are wet and slippery, just like every other day in WestView.

Opening my small car door I cram myself into the vehicle. The engine roars, and Im off.

WestView is an exceptional place to live. It's not Hollywood, but it's not the alleyway of New York either. It's more like in between.

I turn onto Rivera Lane and wave at Kelly. "Get in!" I shout. "It's way to far to walk today!"

Kelly and her annoying friend Sam hop into the car. Sam was Kelly's annoyingly cute bestie, who just happened to be my worst enemy.
I've never told her or anything, and I don't act like it, but rather her in my car and me giving her a ride to school, I would rip off those purple highlights and strangle her.

Kelly loves Sam because Sam made her popular, just by posting posters all over the Academy to draw her attention. How dumb is that?

"So," Sam began, smiling her Crest White Strip smile. "I was wondering if we could all get BLUE highlights together? You know, everyone would call us the Blond Blues? Are you so in or what?"

"So not in," Kelly and I say in unison. "Never ever would I spoil my perfect hair and turn it into a lagoon mess!"

Sam rolls her eyes. "Sorry Emma but your hair is anything but perfect."

I pretend I didn't hear the comment. If I did, I would throw her out of my car and run her over with it.

"Like you know anything about personal style anyway Sam," I retort, "You were the one alone because of your green hair at Prom remember?"

Sam shuts up and ignores me and Kelly for the rest of the ride.

As I pull up to WestWood, Sam jumps out and waves goodbye to Kelly. Kelly waves back, but stays in the car until I am in full parking mode.

"What was that for?" Kelly asks. She looks upset, like I'd crushed her or something.

"Look Kelly I'd hate to tell you this but....I kinda hate her guts." I say really fast.

"Moron much? Sam is my best friend! Why didn't you tell me?" Kelly exclaims.

"Because I thought you would be soooo mad because you love Sam more than me!" I huff, getting out of the car and slamming the door.

Kelly follows me, walking quickly to catch up. She's running out of breath.

"I...don'" Kelly says as we walk toward the Academy.

"You sure act like it," I say, hurt and angry.

"I'm sorry," Kelly says. I can't resist it. My life is too complicated to leave my best friend now.

"Alright, Alright, it's ok..." I say, smiling. "But I have to get to class so see you later."

I push open the schools doors, and I finally feel......trapped. Once again, a horrible day of nonsense is coming my way. And this time, Kelly isn't there to comfort me. I'm all alone.

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