Chapter 6: A unfortunate Night

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Frisk's POV, 2:17 am

"Wake up." i heard someone whisper into my ear.
"Huh?...." i sit up and rub my eyes.
I look around and see noone.
"Could've sworn i heard someone" i thought.
"Ah, you're up." said the voice again and a familiar Girl appeared infront of me, Floating.
"Oh.. It's just you Chara.." i said tired and relieved.
"Cmon, get up sleepy head." She said trying to nudge me.
"Alright Alright..." I get up "what is it this time?" i asked while neatly doing the bed
"You'll love this!" she then floats out the window and signals me to follow.
I get over to the window and open it. "Are you sure about this?" i ask.
"Yea! Now go!" she the starts to fly out of my vision.
I then hear someone knock against the door.
"Frisk?.. You awake?..." Alex asks with a really tired voice.
"U-uh.. N-no?..." i say in response.
"Oh... Okay.." i then hear him yawn and wlak away again..
"Phew.." i then get out the window and slide down a pipe.
"G-geez.. It's Cold out here.." i thought and hugged myself and started to go the direction Chara went.
I then saw Chara Floating over something in a clearing
She signals me to come closer and i'm horrified to see what she hovers over.
"Cmon! End them!" she then points to some icicles next to the monster.
"A-are you sure about this?.." i ask uncertain as i pick up a pointy icicle.
"Yea! You know.. I'm dissapointed that you're still on the such a low level. How about we increase that to 2?" she says while pushing me forward.
"P-please.... Call.. For...... Help..." said the monster with a dying voice.
"I-i can't do it!.." i turned away, with tears in my eyes.
"Hmpf, if you won't do it..." Chara then enters my Body "then I'LL do it myself!"
" n-no!.. G-get out of m-me!" i tried to fight back but i'm too weak.
"Hehehe..." i then liift up the icicle and stabbed it right through their Soul.
It felt.... Good.
Your Love increased to 2!
"Now.. Let's kill some more." i then walked away but someone is standing in My way.
"Hello there." He said.
"Who's there!?" i yelled, holding the icicle.
"You know... I don't really like people who kill others." he said whole looking at the Monster's dust.
I'm trying to focus on who it could be but it's to dark.
"How about, i Teach ya a little lesson." He said as he clenched his fist.

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