Chapter Θ

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A/N: Another day, another chapter. This is 'Chapter Θ (theta)'. I hope you like it. I will also change some parts of the RWBY lore because it's necessary for the main character. 

Caenis POV

Today is the day where all the students here at Beacon, as well as the ones who traveled here for the Vytal Festival, get their first mission as students and future huntsman, but I have other plans regarding the incident from last night with the mysterious woman. I stood up a bit earlier and made my way to team RWBY's dorm to get Ruby. 

When I knocked on the door it took a few moments before Yang opened the door still in her pajamas.

"Good morning Yang."

Yang: "Uhm, mornin' Caenis ... why are you here and on that so early?", she asked still half sleeping.

"Didn't Ruby told you that she and I were ordered by general Ironwood to meet him in the headmaster's office?"

Yang: "Oh yeah she told us but at the moment she uses the bathroom. She should come out any minute if not then I will get her out.", she said now a bit more waken.

"Then I will wait outside."

She then closed the door and I leaned against the wall of the hall and thought about the last night and how to tell it Ironwood. My train of thought was then shortly interrupted when I heard Yang yelling.

Yang: "RUBY! HURRY UP! There are other people who need the bathroom too!"

I chuckled a bit at this. After a few minutes, the door opened again and Ruby stepped into the hall in her usual red and black outfit with her red cape. 

Ruby: "Good morning Caenis!", she greeted me happily.

"Good morning too. So are you ready?"

Ruby: "Yes let's go!", she cheered.

We walked through the halls until I asked what she might think of the events of the last night.

"Hey, Ruby?"

Ruby: "Yeah?"

"What do you think of the last night? The mysterious woman and that thing that I found in one of the consoles?"

Ruby: "Uhm, I'm not sure but I think that she could might be related to the criminal activities of Torchwick, that I and my team found out when we investigated their plans a few weeks ago. AHHHH! No, forget about this we were never in the city!"

"Ruby you already said this and don't worry I will keep this as a secret. But if this is related to last night then Vale could be in serious trouble."

Ruby: "You think so?"

"Let's say I have a very bad feeling in my gut about this, and my gut feeling never disappointed me. But I hope it will disappoint me this time."

Ruby: "I hope so too."

We then reached the elevator only a few seconds later and when we stepped in I was about to press the button that leads to the headmaster's office, but the short girl next to me had other plans and just press every single button.

I facepalmed on that and Ruby wanted to speak.

Ruby: "I don't know -"

"Ruby, please stay silent ..."

Ruby: "Eh hehe ...", she tried to laugh at her fail.

We stayed silent for the rest of this trip until we reached the top of the tower of Beacon where the office of Ozpin is located. 

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