After Work

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The storm outside lit up the jet-black room, as the door swung open.
"Umbra?" Matt tossed his keys on to the drawer, before taking off his drenched trench coat. He shook himself, causing the storm to come into the apartment, leaving his fur to puff up to the ceiling.
"Umbra, I'm home." He strolled into the living room; nothing. No light, no life. Matt's left ear drooped. The pace of his walking slowed down, as he walked to the bedroom, where the door was ever so slightly open. Not open enough for anybody to come in, nor go out. "Umbra?" He approached, quietly, perking his ears up to hear anything potentially suspicious. He heard soft sniffling and weeping. There was no light where he was going. He reached out his paw and pushed the door open. There was a fluffy ball, crouched on the floor, with pictures scattered all over the room. Blood red markers were splattered all over the memories. Matt scanned the room; it was as if World War II had struck all over again.
"Umbra." He unruffled the whimpering ball into Umbra, who extended his legs and sat up. Matt took off his hoodie and place it around his shaking lover. Umbra's nuzzle was so as wet as a waterfall. "What's wrong, my love?" Matt stroked away Umbra's tears.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. I was getting flashbacks of the past," his voice was breaking through each word, "I remember when I was banished, and everybody I thought loved me, suddenly abandoned me, and left me with nothing, and then I lost control and the power went out." He aggressively cried into his arms. Matt pulled him into him as he cried hysterically on his shoulder, making his fur wet, as if he were just out in the rain once again. Matt stroked Umbra's fluffy ears, shushing him, comfortingly. "That is not your life anymore, Umby. You're safe now, you have me." He replied softly, as he took his paw, and met his eyes with Umbra's puffy and soaked eyes.
"What if you do the same?" He sniffed. "I was sent away for this exact reason: I couldn't control my powers. Wherever I went, there was nothing but darkness. Now, here we are- nobody wanted to be around me. At least not for eternity; only short term." Umbra's head drooped.
Matt scooted in front of Umbra and put his paws on his knees and sighed. "That is what you think?"
Umbra nodded.
"My silly, sweet Umby." He booped Umbra's nose, and then took his paw and placed it where his heart is. "I love you so much. If I were to lose you, I would lose myself. After all this and after everything, I am still here. There is nothing that can break us apart." He put his paw over Umbra's. "You're the key to keep me functioning. Without you, I am nothing. I need you." Umbra smiled softly at the beauty of Matt's words and pulled him in and their lips finally met.

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