The house was secured as always, and when the guards saw them, they gave signals to others.
-What a nice evening, isn't it?
-Maybe,- Hayley whispered,- but it is soon going to be morning..
They opened the doors and girls heard voices- loud and angry.
-Why can't you do your part of the job?
-The girls are dealing with it...
-I don't fucking care! You said you have it! You fuckin' lied, and i do not like liars!
-Don't worry! I already told you that.
Both girls looked at each other with the look what-the-fuck on their faces, but they continued to listen to it.
-They have to be here soon.
-You owe me that golden bird! And i am not leaving without it!
-The girls should be here soon, do not worry.
Caitlin was the first one who stepped inside. Hayley took a deep breath and followed her friend.
-Yeah, we got it,- she said, and handed Mr.Lea the neclace.
-It is truly beautiful,- he said and handed it to the other gentleman, who gave a chunk of money to Mr.Lea. He took it and then he was gone.
-Who was that guy anyway?
-To be fair it's none of your bussines.
-Wow, what a nice and polite answer,- Hayley used sarcasm.
-It was one of the big bosses collectors.
-Like... your boss?
-Sort of, but not really.
-Who is his boss?
-I am not sure, when i started to work here, i knew only him, and he gave me orders i had to fulfill, that's what i know.
-Is there any chance to find out anything about it?
-I wouldn't do that shit, for your own safety, do not ask questions. You wouldn't want to get caught up in that. Trust me.
Mr.Lea sat down and counted the money, giving Caitlin their half.
-There is less than six grand...- she spoke,- You said ten grand! And we got what you asked for!
-There is five.
-What the heck? You said ten!
-Well, my dear, when i told you ten grand, i meant what i will get for it.
-So you were just using us?- this was the first time Mr.Lea didn't pay them the full amount.
-We are out of here!
Now it was Hayley who dragged her friend out of Mr. Lea cabinet. They went to the exit and stepped in the elevator, in a moment, just before the doors closed, Mr. Lea shouted.
-Fine! You get your ten!
They stepped out of the elevator, and Mr.Lea came closer giving the rest of the money to them.
-But you continue to do this job for me.
Both girls looked at each other and Hayley whispered.
-I'm not sure,- Caitlin took a moment to think, and Hayley was ready to fight if something goes down.
-Fine,- Caitlin whispered.
-We want the rest in our accounts. And the next time you play us like this, it's over,- Hayley stood straight just to make her point.
-Okey what?
-Listen, i am your boss, i just do what i am told...
-Did that douche tell you to give us less?- Mr.Lea was quiet.
-Well, when do we get it?
-Our money?
-Probably tomorrow morning, I will have it done tonight.
Hayley took a look at her watch, it showed five to midnight.
-Well, you do it quick, I don't want to be waiting.
-Me neither, - they went into the elevator and went down, got in their car, and soon enough they were in their apartment.
Mr.Lea saw them leaving, when one guard spoke.
-Do they know at all who is the big boss?
-While im alive, they don't need to know.
-It's too complicated.
Vampir*** -See that? -Come on, Caitlin, not again! -This is the last time, Hayley, i promise! Never again, i swear. -Never say never. *** What is your perfect job? Not to be a thief, is it? But when Hayley and Caitlin were youngsters, that seemed like a...