Part 69

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I looked at Angie and leaned in and said," you see him too right?"

She nodded at me and I looked back at him and I was getting nervous and anxious and then I can see that he was going to come this way after he looked at the boys but the referee shouted about the other player that wasn't paying any attention to him

"If Liam is here, then Travis is here too." Angie said

"So is Grayson." I said

She looked at me and her eyes widened and I nodded and the bell rang

Liam punched the other guy and I at least smiled at that but after that Jack put his arm around Angie's shoulder and before I can move Angie away I hear a familiar voice


I turned around I saw Grayson looking at Jack and clenched jaw and fists and with that Angie tried to walk up to him but, Jack pulled her back

"Let her go." I said

"Stay out of it." Said Thomas through gritted teeth

Angie kicked Jack and ran to Grayson and he pulled her to him and then checked her out and he looked at Jack and kept glaring at him and jack just looked at him and said," hey Man, I am doing you a favour here."

Grayson just scoffed and chuckled and walked up to him and got to his face  and said," how is that?"

"I'm getting rid of our slut problem here." He said

Grayson just chuckled and then punched him in the mouth and then he fell to the ground and Grayson didn't stop there and he kicked him in the ribs and then got on top of him and grabbed his collar and said," I'm going wipe that smirk of your face." And with that he started punching him in and I stood beside Angie and

Thomas tried to get him off him but, he pushed him off him and kept at it and then two guys and no budge so, there was at least 7 to 10 guys pulling him off Jack and he was struggling against him but they managed to get him off him and Angie went up to him and I walked up to them and got the guys to get off him

Angie cupped his face and said," hey, look at me Grayson" he still was glaring at him" look at me Grayson please I love you."

He looked at her and said," but he disrespected you baby."

"I know and he got what he deserved baby and I am fine okay I'm with you now I'm safe okay it's fine."  She said sounding honest

Grayson calmed down and then at that moment the bell rings and we hear that Liam 'stone' wins

And me, Angie and Grayson cheered for him and Liam looked at us and smiled and I could see from the corner of my eyes that Thomas was glaring at us but I didn't care

And I said," can you give him a hug for me and a congratulations for me please."
She nodded and said," I will be back, I promise."

I nodded and Angie and Grayson walked off to his direction and then I looked at Thomas helping Jack

Thomas glared at me and another guy helped jack while Thomas walked up to me and grabbed my wrists and grabbed it tight and I winced but I stood high and he said," I told you and Angie to not try anything?"

"It's not my fault that jack couldn't keep his hands off her like, he has been warned multiple times and this is your fault thinking of inviting her here thinking that this smart plan, of yours getting them back together was ever going to work.." I explained looking right at him

He just chuckled and said," you are so lucky that we are in public right now."

I rolled my eyes and then he let go and he grabbed me to to the other side of the ring and when he stops he comes in face with Liam's opponent and started talking and I just am there and looking at shy and awkward and then Angie comes back to me and I release a breathe and she pointed to my side and I looked at her and I mouthed' a congratulations' to him

And he nodded at me as and I turned as soon as Thomas said my name and said," this is my girlfriend Luna and this is her BestFriend Angie."

He looked at us and we just stood there and smiled back at him and then at the corner of my eye and I can see Liam and Travis arguing or something

Angie said," good fight." Thomas just glared at her and Grayson could sense that cause he wrapped his arm around Angie's waist

"LIAM COME OVER HERE!" Andrew that's his name shouted and I looked at him and he came over and stood beside me and it felt good to be close to him even if he isn't touching me

I tried my hardest not to make eye contact

"You guys know him?" He said

"Yeah they all go to our school." Said Thomas with irritation in his voice

"Nice go see all of you tonight, I hope you enjoyed the match." Andrew said and looked at us

"Well some of us didn't since our friend here lost but that's a shame but, our girls here did." Thomas said and glaring at me

I can see Liam staring at me and I said," well firstly, we don't know Andrew as much no offence Andrew but we did know Liam so, it was only fair to cheer on him."

Andrew put his hands up and said," None taken, anyway I'm having a small party that you guys are invited to."

I groaned mentally in my head and Thomas looked at us and we looked at each other and Angie said," A party that will be fun yes sure."


Thomas then smiled and said," great, can't wait lead the way."

I didn't want to leave Liam's side not one bit but I had no choice

Andrew walked past us and then Thomas walked up to me and out of no where pushed Angie out of the way and I was going to protest but Grayson did it for me and grabbed him by the collar and said,"touch her like that again and I will break them."

Angie walked up to him and touched his arm and he let go

Thomas then grabbed me again and I looked back at Liam and was waiting for Angie to come out with us and when we got out Thomas pinned me to the wall

"Get off her right now Thomas." Said Angie through gritted teeth

"Mind your own business." He said right back at her

"Look here, if you both mess even more things up  for us, it will not end up well for the both of you." He looked at the two of us and he let me

And he walked off and Angie came to my aid and said," are you okay?"

" yes I am, are you okay?" I asked

She nodded and said," can this night be over already."

That's exactly what I am thinking

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