Part 72

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As I was sleeping and I can feel someone shaking me and calling me by my name


I couldn't put a face to that voice

But the person wouldn't stop shaking me, so I had to wake up and when I did I saw the person who shook me and i was surprised to see who it was


But what is he doing here?

"Liam, what are you doing here?" I asked

He just looked at me for a while and I touched his cheek and he slowly relaxed against my touch

I like it when I am the only one that can do that

" I came to check up on you, are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked in a rush

"Relax, I am okay, no I'm not hurt too." I said

And he sighed in an almost relief. Almost

"What were you doing there? It is a dangerous place to be, you could have gotten hurt, how dare he bring you there?" He said sounding angry

That reminded me about yesterday at the match and that he was fighting as well

I looked and examined him and he had a busted lip but and a cut on the cheek

I touched his cheek gently and. Said," You are hurt Liam, are you okay."

"this doesn't matter, not even my concern, however you, you are my concern and always will." Liam said shrugging it off

"Why didn't you tell me that he was going to take you and Angie there?" He asked that question looking at me

" okay 1. Because how you will react and 2. It's not like I could refuse." I replied

He sat on my bed and sighed and cuddled me he put his head and in crow of my neck and breathe in and out and said," I'm sorry I was just worried about you all night."

I said," that's in the past right now Liam okay let's forget about it."

He nodded.

"So a fighter huh." I said looking down at him

He got up from me and said," yeah, I used to do that a a lot before I met you, it was a kind of way to lash my anger out on but I am stopping now not because I met you but I'm doing this for myself."

I smiled and hugged him and said," well done, I'm happy for you."

"You are not mad." He asked sounding a bit nervous

I frowned and said," that you fight, at first I was shocked and then I was nervous but I am not mad I am just worried and scared that you would get hurt."

"I am surprised that I won because I was a bit distracted by you being there and worrying that you would get hurt." He explained to me

" but you won and that is marvellous, so enough about that, what should we do today?" I asked

" well the girls went out with Travis, Grayson and Raymond and Summer and Autumn are at a party." He said

"Raymond huh never thought they two would be this close." I replied

He just shrugs

"Anyway oh yeah, yesterday morning me and the girls went out to get some breakfast and we had a good breakfast despite one mishap and i was saying that autumn and sum—" as I was saying but he interrupted me

"What mishap?" He said while frowning

" I tell you when I finish." I said

He looked at me in serious way telling me that I should tell him now

"Okay but, it is not a big deal, some guy bumped into me and his name was Andy and he apologised right after though and then I ordered a food and went back and then we were discussing something and then Remi saw him looking at us, well at me and I then looked at him and he was looking at me and then we left and was walking but, he came out and rushed to us and I forgot my purse clumsy me and then he didn't leave, Remi then dragged me out and we left." I explained and told him everything

He then grabbed my hand tightly and said," You are Mine understand?"

I nodded and he said," No, I need you to say it."

"I am yours." I said

He smiled and then looked like he remembered something and he said," wait his name was Andy, did he have brown hair, brown eyes and scar on his cheek."

My eyes widened

He knows him? How?

I nodded and said;" How do you know that? You met him."

"Not only have I met him I know him, he is a gang member." He replied

I was shocked

He was a gang member

"Anyway I pretty sure it was just a mishap." I said Smiling

Trying to forget the subject

He sighed and looked at me and said." Anyway what were you going to say?"

"Oh yeah, well as it autumn and summer's birthday coming up next month, I thought it would be good if we do a surprise birthday celebration for them what do you think?" I explained

Liam didn't say anything

That made me think did I say something wrong? Was it not a good idea?

Before I could think of more reasons, I feel a lip crashing with mine and it was Liam kissing me back and I kissed him back

It was like that for a bit

Until he stopped and said," thank you."

"For?" I said looking confused

"Well he never once celebrated our birthday, he would just think of it as another day and we would celebrate it ourselves to the point that we didn't care." He explained to me

I had watery tears in my eyes right now and I didn't realise I was actually crying until he wiped my tears and he said," Don't cry baby."

"How do you expect me not to when you tell me horrible things about your childhood with that monster."  I explained

I then got up and sat on his lap facing him and he wrapped his arms around me and i cupped his face and said," I promise you with my whole heart that you or summer will have to ever go through any pain or suffer for as long as I am alive, I will make sure of that."

He smiled and he leaned in plans placed his forward to mine and I did the same and he said," and how are you going to do that?"

I then put in a thinking face and said," hmm.. by giving you both something you should have gotten from the start."

"And what would be that." He said looking at me

"Love and comfort." I said

He looked at me without saying anything

And I looked at him and said nothing

And from there I knew

That this love is forever

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