Chapter 3 - Revenge

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"You look so nice, Kasper. You dressed up for me?" Amir said, ignoring my words. 

He reached and took my hand, interlacing his fingers with mine. His grip felt warm, safe. It ebbed my angry mood. I forgot why I was upset.

"The show... dressed me..." I faltered in my anger as he pulled me inside. 

He had that way of staring into my eyes that made me feel fluttery, like someone of note thought I was worthwhile. His touch sent a rush of happiness through me. He squeezed my hand and I felt so safe, so at home with him. My head started to swim and I lost all traces of anger.

"You look amazing! Wow!" Amir exclaimed as he closed the door behind us. He slid a hand around my back and pulled me in to kiss me on each cheek.

"You... too," I stammered and forgot my words. "I uh... You look so good. You were so... so mean to me today." I fumbled through my half-hearted, angry speech.

"I was? I apologize. I insulted your melon? I will never do it again, sweet Kasper," Amir laughed as though he had no idea what had transpired that afternoon. "My parents are in their room resting, but we have food in my room. Come and eat." He pulled me through the living room to a bedroom with huge windows that overlooked the dark night.

"Nice place," I said as I followed him. He laced his fingers between mine and pulled me over to a small table set up with covered dishes and two wine glasses filled with something dark.

"I ordered you some American food and iced tea. It's melted though. I can call for fresh if you want. My family already ate dinner. They are in their room for the night so you won't meet them... but I waited for you," Amir said. It reminded me that I was something he was ashamed of. Of course he would keep his parents away from me. What an asshole. I felt my anger rising again.

"Yeah well you don't want them finding out about me so I'll be quiet. I'll be your secret," I said as he pulled me towards the table.

"What do you mean? We won't disturb them! They are in for the night. Nothing to worry about," Amir said happily. 

He'd sneaked me in quietly to his room without them seeing. He really was hiding me. I started to get angry all over again... but that hot chest and perfect ass. Half of me was furious, but the other half just really wanted to suck him off. He was gorgeous.

"Look... I'm not even hungry. I just came here to... well it's not important," I started.

"To what? Of course it's important. You are here! This is important! I'm glad you came," Amir said with a look of confusion.

"You're hot, dude. And... you obviously like me. I clearly like you. Why don't we just get down to business and then I'll sneak out quietly and no one has to know," I offered. I'd lost my resolve and the horny part of me was taking over.

"You only want to..." Amir started and a look of disappointment fell over his face as he awakened to what I was saying.

"Suck your dick. Or whatever you wanted to do. Just... let's not pretend we need to have a date here or that you like me for more than sex. You're hot. So fucking hot. I seriously spent all day thinking about what it would be like. So let's just get down to it... ok? No need to pretend," I offered a smile and put a hand on his chest.

"Ok Kasper... whatever you want," Amir said though he didn't sound excited. 

He let go of my hand and I realized he'd been holding it the whole time.

He reached down and pulled at the button on his jeans as I dropped to my knees. He pulled at the flap, and I looked up at him, rubbing my chin against his bulge. I reached forward with my teeth and bit at the golden zipper. I pulled it down with my teeth as his hand came to rest on my head. He pushed back the loose wisps of my hair as I looked up at him. There was sadness in his eyes.

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