Chapter 1

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Under editing. terrible first chapter. it'll be better eventually.

Chapter 1: 

I walked into the bathroom and picked up my tooth brush. I placed a blob of the green paste on my toothbrush and began scrubbing away.

"Dude I won fair-and-square" 

"NO you didn't!" 

I heard my brother David and his friend Michael protesting about Modern warfare.

"Hey!" I shouted sticking my head around the door.

"How about, you SHUT UP!" I said making sure I didnt step out as I only had a tank top and some shorts that were loose and baggy on.

"Oh and, get a life" i added.

They both rolled their eyes and continued protesting. 

I then thought to myself: They are so annoying.


I walked across the hallway licking my teeth satisfied with my cleaning, (I have an OCD where  can't stand leaving the lumpy plaque or whatever on my teeth), and started to slowly walked down the stairs and stopped when i felt my pocket light up and vibrate.

I pulled my (new i might add) phone out of my pocket, and read:

           new message from: Sarah

Hi Em, wondering if you wanna come over 

on Saturday to do our "geography assignment"

LOL anyway call me when you can. BYE!

I unlocked my phone and went through my contacts and found Sara's icon and tapped it.

I know its like 9:00 pm but she just texted me so she must be awake, and my parents aren't here so, who's gonna' get me in trouble? 

My brother?

yeah sure, like they would believe my brother who coined a police car.

I waited for my friend to answer her phone. 


"hi Sarah so whe-"

"Tommorrow after school for a sleepover and bring your swimmers, we can swim in my new pool and the beach. Well maybe not the beach. But we could meet hot guys. Okay we're going to the beach."

Of course she answered me before I even got to ask.

Thats the typical Sarah I know.  

"Okay. I cant believe the holidays are already over!" I said truthfully. because, our holidays go for 8 weeks and i felt like they went for like one week.

"I know right. its so insane" Sarah replied.

"okay ill see you tommorrow, bye" I said.


"who was that" My brother asked.

he scared me so much, I dropped my phone and the screen smashed.


"oh my god, sorry I didnt mean to. here" he bent down and picked up.

"i'll get it fixed tommorrow" he said.

Ugh! he pisses me off so much sometimes!

i woke up to the sound of my brother yelling


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