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This is based on a an idea chemicalcutie posted in her book :3

"A mueseum date? Really, you are history - I wouldn't be suprised if they had a strand of your hair in there or something -" Auri slapped Fin to cut him off.

"It's romantic - plus, Kal has no idea what it was like when I was alive."


"Oh shut up Fin!" Scarlet barked, looking up from her studious button-doing of the back of Auri's dress. "We're trying to get her to go on dates."

"Fine." Hurrumphed Fin, who grabbed Scarlets jumper, slammed the door, and left.

The girls stared at eachother in an awkward silence. "I think he took your jumper Scar."

"I know."

"Your good one that you wore on your first date with him."


"The one with the chocolate bar sitting on top of it."

"Ye - OH HELL NAH HE DIDN'T NOT MY CHoCOLAte. NoT TODAY!!" Scarlet flew off her perch and ran out of the door, leaving Auri to hold the back of her dress up by herself.

She ran out through the doorway in search of help, and Tylers room was the closest; "hey Tyler would you mind -"

Her head poked in the door to reveal Tyler with puffy pink lips pulling away from Saedii.



Saedii slammed the door and Auri moved the next room, Zila's, in hope that at least she wouldn't be snogging anyone. She was right, Zila wasn't snogging anyone. 

However, her mouth was in a rather violent fight with Possibly Cheese Sandwich. 

"I'll come back later," she decided, and shut the door quietly.

This left the only option as Cat, because Kal was already at the venue waiting for her.

"CATHERINE HELP ME!!" She yelled, when she decided all hope of walking in on someone doing something unholy was lost. 

Cat popped her head out of a gap in the wall (namely, a door). "Sure thing Stowaway, what do you need?"

"Will you do up the rest of my dress?"


And so Auri was off for her mueseum date. 

"You look beautiful Be'shami." Kal told her as she slid into the entrance line next to him, "is that dress new?"

"It's almost as old as me Kal." 


"200 AND SOmeTHING!!"


"Excuse me," said the nervous lady at the desk, "can I get your passes?"

"Oh, yes." 

They both stuck their hands out and the passes were read, allowing them into the mueseum. The door flashed open and the inside of the mueseum was revealed.

"I recommend the new Hadfield exhibit," said the jumpy lady, "we just got it in earlier this week, and it shows so much that we didn't know about life all that time ago."

"Why not?" Auri grinned.

"Be'shami are you sure you want to -"

"What's the worst thing that could happen Legolas?"

Kal stopped walking for a second, the man behind them, who totally didn't look like Scarlet with a fake moustache, almost hit him. "I don't know Be'shami! Maybe you could have a breakdown. What would I do then?"

"It's fine." Auri said, agressively tugging him toard he exhibit.

They entered the room, full of holograms and blueprints of how the ship was shaped, and how it had been crafted. A robotic voice narrated the glowing writing that gracefully swam down one of the walls. 

"The Hadfield was a colony expedition to Le Gong (which I probably spelt wrong) that got stuck in the fold, nobody knows why . . ." it went on to drone about the colony that was made on Le Gong afterwards.

"Mummy look! There's a furry mouse!" Yelled a giddy little boy.

Auri turned her head over to the left wall, where a glass panel separated them from the crew members personal belongings that had been salvaged. 

"Hey, Kal can we go over -" But Kal was gone from her side already at the glass wall.

She walked up next to him. "What are you looking at?"

"What is this furry rat?" He asked, pointing at the squirrel he was glaring intently at.

"That's - no WAY!" Her gaze caught it. "THAT'S MR MOXY!"



"WHat? Be'shami don't do anything rash -" Kal caught her arm.


The security guard poked her on the shoulder, "ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to leave your being disruptive -"


The security guard frowned, "uh, ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you again -"


"The mueseam mannager he works up those stairs -"

But before he had even finished, Auri had slipped under the NO ENTRY rail, and up the stairs.

"Mr Manager -" she began.

The man,  startled out out his seat by her sudden presence, yelled, "SECURITY!"

One of them grabbed her arm and pulled her roughly out. Kal ran after them as they threw her out the door and quickly ran off, seeing the angry Syldrathi on a war path.

"Be'shami are you okay?" He cradled her and helped her off the pavement.


Part 2 where she makes the Squad steal it?

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