Part 1

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I was walking out of my parents funeral, there had been a horrible car accident, father had lost control of the car and over turned. It had been horrible, mother had passed away getting a sharp piece of glass through her heart, father on the other hand, well he passed away from blood loss about an hour after the accident.

I was going back to the huge empty house my parents had left me in their will, it had a lot of animals like horses, cows, sheep's, goats, a couple of dogs, a lot of chickens and three cats.

I know that's a lot of animals, I always told them to sell some of them but they just wouldn't. When they passed all the staff left, they had said and I quote 'we wanted to work for Mr and Mrs Malfoy not you boy' I walked inside the house and flopped on the couch.

I need someone to help me with all these animals and all the work that is to be done here I thought to myself as I heard my stomach growl from hunger.


I walked out of the small pharmacy we had out here in the country, my parents medicine had gotten more and more expensive. My parents James and Lily Potter both had cancer, they had been diagnosed exactly a week apart. It had been horrible for me.

Mom and dad weren't rich, they never had been. Always having to worry about money and even more now that both of them need a really expensive medicine.

My parents ended up selling that one horse we had and those couple sheep's we had. I loved that horse and it had been even hard with him away, his name had been star.

I looked over at the horses that were behind the pharmacy before jumping into my trunk and going home. When I opened the door both my parents were sat on the couch snuggling into each other. Dad had his arm around mom and her head was in the crook of his neck, they had both fallen asleep so I decided to put a blanket over them.

It was late, we had eaten dinner before I went to the pharmacy and I had cleaned up afterwards. I put their medicine on our small kitchen table before I walked up the steps to the second floor where our bedrooms were. I went into the bathroom and got ready for bed, as soon as I got into bed I opened my phone to look through Instagram.

I sighed I couldn't concentrate on the posts I was looking at and I just liked and liked without even looking at what I was liking. I need a job to pay for those medicine and all the doctors appointments mom and dad have I thought to myself.

I decided I'd look into it better tomorrow, I plugged my phone into charge and laid my head down on my pillow trying to get at least some sleep.

Drarry a farmer {finished} Where stories live. Discover now