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In the weeks that passed by, Jordan and I started to spend more time together. Most of the time we did spend was working on our English project, considering that we had both kind of put it off for the first month and a half.

The more time that I spent with him, the more I realized just how important his school and studies were to him, because not once did he ever falter on anything I had asked him to do. He always had it completed and on time, and never complained about a single thing. I realized, after hearing the story of his father that Jordan's drive to do well in school was because of his father. To prove him wrong. To show him that he can get into college without a football scholarship. I didn't have to ask Jordan to know, I could see it in the way he carried himself. He was determined and driven.

I liked that about him.

And so, as I sat, eating breakfast with my friends before school started, I found myself thinking and wondering about Jordan more than I should have been. I was supposed to meet up with him after my breakfast with Hannah, Cameron, Jake, and Bryce, but none of them knew. It's not like I was keeping it a secret from them, besides, we were going to be working on our English project anyways. We weren't doing anything that we weren't supposed to be doing.

"You guys know our game against Stevens is in two weeks, right?" Cameron asked, as he slathered honey whipped peanut butter cream cheese across his blueberry bagel.

We had all decided to meet up at a little place not too far from school called Black Hills Bagels. This was Jake & Bryce's favorite place to eat breakfast. They claimed the bagels here were top of the line. I didn't mind the bagels, but I wouldn't say they were my favorite. I am personally more of a pancake person, but either way, I loved having these small moments where the five us were together. It gets harder as we grow older, because all of us have different school schedules now.

"Yeah," I answered, taking a bite of my bagel. It was a plain bagel with strawberry cream cheese. I was a more a simple girl when it came to my food.

Bryce laughed, chewing with his mouth open, "You three better be there to see us squash Stevens this year. We're not about to lose to them again."

"Yeah, because now you guys have Adams instead of the other way around," Hannah said, as she looked up to meet eyes with both Bryce and Jake. They were staring at her with a frown forming on their lips, and I knew what they were both thinking. I didn't have to be a mind-reader to know, but I didn't say anything, because I was on Hannah's side.

I don't know what Jordan is like on the field, but judging from the way he talks about his dad, and how hard he trained him, I don't think it would be a stretch to say Jordan is probably good. Really good.

"He's not even that good," Jake muttered, as I gazed at him. The black eye he'd been sporting weeks ago was almost fully healed. There was only a faint green and yellow tinge to the skin near his forehead.

And as everyone began yet again to talk about Jordan, I found myself frowning as I realized the way that both Jake and Bryce talked about him, as though he were just a spoiled, entitled, rich boy who was handed everything on a silver platter. I felt guilty for thinking the exact same thing at one point that I'd known Jordan, but even then, when I did think that way about him, I always knew deep down, in my gut, that there was something different about him. And I was right. So now, listening to them both say things about the Jordan I know, made me stare at the bagel in front of me, my eyes narrowing, but my lips tightly sealed. I wanted to badly to tell them both they were wrong. That they don't have a clue who the real Jordan is, but I knew that if I did I was only going to cause a seen, so I opted for changing the subject entirely.

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