Chapter Twenty

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    You stood your ground as you locked your (e/c) hued glare onto Dabi's azure hued one.  The dark-haired Alpha lifted his upper lip up in a snarl and you instantly felt all of your swagger leave your petite frame and be replaced with sparking and sizzling nerves.  'Just get Katsuki free and let them deal with Dabi,'  you thought to yourself as you turned on you heel to fiddle with the metal workings of the lock and you felt it click open just seconds before a strong hand rooted itself into your (h/c) tresses at the root.  You gave painful yelp as Dabi yanked your backwards by your (h/c) hued hair, (e/c) eyes locked onto the shifted Lion's crimson hued ones as the metal lock fell to the ground with a thud.  You were thrown to the ground causing a searing pain to zoom through your entire body and with a metallic groan Katsuki broke free from the tree but still wore the metal collar.  Before you could cry out or even try and tug away from the seething were-beast, Shouto was behind him and swung a large paw down.  Dabi let go of you and jumped out of the way and the red and white furred wolf's paw came within an inch of your face and your (e/c) eyes widened in fright.  Light grey and azure hued eyes locked onto your and became apologetic and when your gaze shifted to the side you saw a now shifted Dabi lowered onto his haunches as if ready to lunge you felt your mind go blank.  Before you could scream out a warning to your Alpha the pale tan and blond maned Lion was pouncing onto the ebony furred wolf with an enraged roar.  Within seconds they were rolling around in a fighting heap of claws and teeth tearing out fur left and right.  You sat up as Shouto ran off towards the pale blond Lioness that had emerged seconds ago with snarls rippling up and out of his chest as he went on the defensive side of the fight.

       "What the hell!"  Tomura's signature gravely voice growled out as the pale blue haired Alpha broke out of one of the shabby looking tents.  His scarlet hued glare landed on a shifted Izuku who had moved to stand next to you and before you could flinch away from the shady looking Alpha, he shifted and left a sickly thin pale blue and ebony stripped Tiger in his place.  'Oh gods,' you groaned mentally as you shuffled onto your feet and moved away as Tomura charged and the green-maned Lion roared back in challenge.  (E/c) eyes drifted around the small village and on the outside of tent the pale blue haired Alpha came out something gleamed in the fire's glow.  You saw a flash of navy blue and black go across your vision and suddenly Tenya was chasing after a bright yellow stag who darted through the village as if its own tail was on fire.  You took off towards the gleaming object and once there you found a large sword.  Upon its pommel rested a snarling dragon's head with sapphire gemstones set into the white hued metal as its eyes.  It called to you and before you knew it, you'd hefted up the blade with both of your hands and clutched onto it so tightly that your knuckles turned as white as the full moon sitting high in the night sky.  As you turned around from the tent the same icy blue and black stallion stood behind you and you swung up the heavy blade and turned your (e/c) gaze dark with dander.

      "Don't you dare come any closer," you growled out and saw out of the corner of your eye that Eijiro had shifted and joined the fight with his mate.  The red furred bear was relentless with its attacks and Dabi's azure hued gaze shifted around nervously as if the were-beast knew he was caught in a battle he wasn't likely to win.  'Serves you right, you bastard.'  You growled inwardly and you snuck a quick glance over to Shouto to see he had knocked out the Lioness and the were-beast shook his head to sling some of the blood off of his snout.  Shouto turned his head to lock gazes with you and when he took a step closer to you a cavernous roar that could rival Toshinori's rung out into the village.  Everyone ceased their fighting turned their gazes onto the large Lion walking past the largest bonfire.  The Lion's coat was a light sandy tan, but his mane was so scruffy and patchy you could barely make out the white fur that should've created it.  Countless scars littered his muscular frame and when you lifted your gaze up a gasp fizzled out of your full lips.  His right eye was marred by three claw shaped scars and his eyelid was sealed shut while the other looked almost milky white and dull and you instantly wondered if he could even see.  His right ear was torn down the middle and a bite shaped chunk had been taken out of his left one.  When he rounded the fire, you could see countless healed bite marks stretching across his broad furred back and when you saw a glance of his tail your stomach rolled.  It was nothing more than a rounded nub that stuck out a few inches from his rump and barely had any fur coating it.  You pressed lips together tightly as your grip on the large blade faltered slightly but you managed to regain your grip on it in seconds.  'What the fuck happened to him?'  You asked and before you could take a step further away from the mutilated Lion Izuku took off charging at it and you'd never seen such a loathing scowl on the green maned Lion's face.  (E/c) watched as Tomura trailed Izuku growling in warning as if he wanted to protect whoever that maimed Lion was.  The green maned Lion batted a large paw into the left side of the rugged Lion's faces scratching his face and seconds later the larger Lion returned the favor sending Izuku flying back into the dying but still hot coals of the fire.  A pained yowl came from the green maned Lion as he struggled to stand up with the coals obviously bothering his eyes.  And when Tomura moved so did you as if your pack bond was forcing you into a run you threw yourself in between the two of them and held up the sword.  "Fuck off!"  You screeched your tone bitter as lemons as you raised the sword higher above your head even as your forearms burned in pain.  The pale blue and ebony stripped Tiger locked his scarlet hued glare onto your (e/c) hued one and you watched him huff. 

    "(Y/n)," Izuku spoke and you didn't have to glance over your shoulder to know he had shifted back.  "I think its time you headed back," the green-haired Alpha's tone was as serious as sin, but you steeled your (e/c) glare and your grip on the gleaming blade.  'I don't know how to use this, but I swear I'll kill any of you who attack my packmates.'  You hissed mentally as you tried your best to stop the tremble in your arms. 

       "I want to defend the pack too," you spoke all but hissing and out of the corner of your eye you saw Shouto sneaking up behind Tomura and thankfully the mutilated Lion moved on to help a still struggling Dabi.  'Just give me two more minutes so Shouto can get this rank bastard out of our hair.'  You pleaded mentally to Izuku and you heard the green-haired were-beast shift onto his feet and hiss slightly in pain.

            "(Y/n), if you want to help us then leave so Shouto won't be distracted."  Izuku spoke respectfully and as he finished speaking your Alpha pounced on and had the shifted Tomura pinned within seconds.  "Or you know that works too."  The green-haired were-beast mumbled tiredly as Shout kept his larger frame pushing the Tiger face first into the dirt as Tomura growled and thrashed.  'That's my Shouto.'  You gloated inwardly as you lowered the sword into a comfortable position but before anyone else moved Toshinori jogged into the clearing on two legs along with a shifted Aizawa and Hizashi. 

       "Are you serious?" Was all the blond Alpha managed before his glare landed on the maimed Lion and it turned venomous.  You could feel the tension that was so heavy in the air that you seemed to struggle on not choking on it as the two were-beasts shared a look.  It was one of utter disgust and you couldn't help but feel your stomach roll and threaten to spill its half-digested contents all over the ground.  'I feel very out of the loop here,' you thought as you watched the two obvious seething and revolted were-beasts argue through their gazes.  "Leave," Toshinori didn't need to say who he meant because the younger were-beast flinched and locked their gazes onto the strong Alpha.  "Now."  It wasn't a yell, but his tone was so clipped that you felt your bare feet become frozen to the ground.  Within seconds Izuku had grabbed you and slung you over his shoulder and charged for the red and white furred wolf.  You chirped out in alarm as he tossed you sword and all onto the Alpha's back at the same time he shifted.  You barely had time to drop one hand off the sword's pommel to grip Shouto's fur before you all took off into the trees as if you were racing the wind and winning.  Despite the painful growls, yowls, and whines that could be heard as all of the younger were-beasts ran and ran through the forest no one but you sent a second glance back to the village you'd just left.  'Please be okay.'  You thought as you tightened your hold on Shouto's fur as he leapt over a large boulder. 

A/N: Vote & Comment!  Thank you so much for reading, sorry this chapter is on the shorter side, but the puppies are starting to play and get rowdy, so they've been exhausting me lol!  Anyways see you next Tuesday with the next chapter!  I hope whoever reads this has a great day and or night!

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