Chapter Three

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You paused a mere two feet in front of the large cat who was more than three times bigger than you were. You puffed your chest out in annoyance as every set of eyes in the area landed on you; a human Omega confronting a were-beast in their beast form. 'Why the fuck did I do this?' You thought to yourself before you decided that you couldn't back down now. The cat's deep blue eyes narrowed at you in confusion before he lowered his face to the ground. He placed the coconut on the forest floor before raising his head once again, you noticed that his chin could easily rest again your head while standing. Were-beasts are so much larger than any animal you've ever seen. Even the ones brought via boat for the King weren't even half this size. You watched his expression change slowly again and you could've sworn that if he had eyebrows they'd be quirked right now. "You really shouldn't just steal coconuts you find on the ground!" You scolded him trying to keep your tone polite as the cat shifted his gaze from you to Izuku and Shouto. He huffed out to them before shifting his navy-blue gaze back to you; you stilled as his nose pressed against the top of your head as he scented you. His hot breath blew out onto your face causing your (h/c) tresses to blow out behind you slightly; you bit back a giggled as it ticked your nose. 'Do I still have my poultice on?' You thought as the cat's expression grew more confused most likely at your lack of a scent. You crossed your arms over your chest and waited for him to shift back but the cat just stared at you. Finally, his paw moved slowly, and you flinched away in fear however all he did was nudge the armored fruit closer to you with the back of his velvety dark blue paw. You looked down when the coconut hit the edge of your toe and felt guilt weigh down your chest; they hadn't given you a reason to be fearful and yet here you were judging them. The cat then moved away from you with a slow gait and headed towards the third largest tent by the fire and disappeared into it. 'I hope I didn't upset him.' You couldn't get rid of your guilt as you kept your gaze on the coconut. A wet nose pressed against the back of your neck and blew another gust of warm air onto your already sensitive skin. The surprise caused you to jolt forward in shock as a small squeak escaped your lips. A deep warning growl sounded out from the entrance of the cave you had just exited, and you shifted your gaze to see Shouto sending the fox an icy glare. The dark purple Jaguar stepped in front of the fox defensively and a slur of angry chirrups rumbled out from his chest; Shouto rolled his dual colored eyes in response. 'Who growled?' You wanted to ask out loud but decided to interact with the fox who had moved from behind the larger beast to look at you again. "H-hi?" You spoke like a question as the fox paced short circles around you sniffing slowly, he pulled back quickly to sneeze before sending chirps back to the dark purple Jaguar and the light pink lioness.

    "Guys shift back before you overwhelm her." Shouto's voice was a lower pitch than normal but the emotions laced into it where still flat. The image of all three large beasts blurred intensely and you felt as if you were looking at them through rippling water. 'I thought the village said their transformations were painful.' You thought in confusion before you closed your eyes tightly because they began to strain painfully at the blurriness. Once you opened your gaze found two males and girl around your age standing where the beasts were moments before. The girl had short cut pink hair that matched her fur color, dark black eyes, and skin that was so warm toned it almost seemed pink. Her muscles told you she was definitely an Alpha and your gaze shifted to the small yellow haired boy. His blond tresses stuck up wildly and he even had a black shape running through his hair that reminded you oddly of something from a thunderstorm. Amber eyes and pale skin added to his features and you guessed he was most likely an Omega. A purple haired male stood behind the blond and his pale skin was almost a creamy white. His muscular frame easily towered over the smaller boy; both boys where black pants that rode low on their waist. 'Two Alphas and an Omega.' You took a mental note of this as the male Omega moved to approach you. His bright smile rivaled Izuku's and you couldn't help but notice his scent was that of chocolate mixed within a Summer season rain. It was adorable.

The Sea of Yesterday.  (Alpha! Shouto Todoroki x Female Omega! reader)Where stories live. Discover now