Chapter Fifteen

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You eagerly munched on your steamed steak as your (e/c) gaze drifted from your packmates to your food, noticing a lack of Eijiro and Katsuki. 'Where could they be?' You thought placing your piece of steak down on your wooden plate and you were quick to brush back a (h/c) tress behind your ear. No one else seemed to really question why they weren't here so bit down on your tongue to hold back your words. They were each other's fated after all they could be doing, things. 'Gross,' you whined mentally as you slammed your (e/c) eyes shut in mock disgust at the ideas drifting through your mind. A tone arm draped around your waist knocking you out of your thoughts as you turned to your left and opened your eyes. Shouto's normally shining red and white hair was shadowed by the dancing flames of the fire in the evening moonlight. It caused a delicious heat to pool and swirl at the pit of your stomach. Light grey and azure eyes locked onto yours as a half grin lifted up one of the were-beast Alpha's lips.

"What're you thinking about?" Shouto whispered pulling you flush against his side fully enveloping you in his briny cedar scent and warmth. You instantly let a soft rumble of continuous purrs to roll out of your petite chest causing you to blush as you tried to hold them back. It didn't work. 'How can someone be so warm?' You asked yourself mentally as your (e/c) gaze rolled down his sculpted body and back up to his light grey and azure hued gaze. A scarlet hued brow quirked, and you froze furrowing your (h/c) hued brows together. 'Oh, right he asked a question,' you thought with a sigh not wanting to admit about how you were the only one concerned with a certain lion and bear's whereabouts.

"I was just wondering where Eijiro and Katsuki are," you only half lied as everyone else resting around the fire froze. Had they not noticed either? Ashido turned to look at you and Ochako choked down her sip of water. 'Oh no,' you wanted to say out loud, but your words never drifted up your throat as your purring ceased fully. "You guys didn't notice?" You asked your tone sheepish and seconds later all Alphas in the clearing broke out into deep pitched growls and snarls. Shouto's body shook with the force of his growls and it caused you to release your own scent in calming waves wanting to calm down your obviously upset Alpha. Sea salt and cedar wood turned rancid in ire and you bit back a whimper from the way it smelled.

"They are in so much trouble," Toshinori growled out from his seat at the arc of the circle of feasting were-beasts. The vibrant blond Alpha rose to his feet, Inko beside her mate tried her best to calm down the large were-beast with soft purrs. They did nothing. Seconds later Shota stood up with a groan his mate Hizashi following after him. Denki locked gazes with you obviously worried about his mate's parents and how annoyed they both seemed to be.

"No one ever listens to us anymore," the dark-haired Omega hissed out running an angry hand through his long tresses. The blond Alpha beside him bristled but kept an even expression while awaiting his instructions from their Lead Alpha. 'I just got them into trouble.' You thought instantly feeling bad for mentioning it. "All we did was say unless you're on patrol you don't leave." Shota continued to complain under his breath while the rest of the were-beasts ceased their conversations and growls or snarls.

"Help!" Eijiro's distressed voice broke out into the stressful silence as the red-haired Alpha came into the clearing. Gashes and deep bite marks scattered his body dripping blood and visceral strings of tissue and muscle. "They took him," tears were dripping off of the were-beast's jawline as he staggered closer to the group. Instantly Inko, Ochako, Denki, and you were at his side poking prodding at the wounds Omegan instincts taking over. Seconds later a shifted Izuku broke through the tree line his dark green mane stained with blood followed by Hitoshi who's light purple fur was deepened in the crimson liquid. (E/c) eyes instantly brimmed over with tears at the very obvious vacancy of an ashen blond were-beast. 'Katsuki.' You sobbed mentally applying pressure to the deepest bite on Eijiro's right shoulder grimacing as his blood seeped through the spaces of your fingers.

The Sea of Yesterday.  (Alpha! Shouto Todoroki x Female Omega! reader)Where stories live. Discover now