Chapter 5

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No one was awake yet, but I was. I checked the time. It was 8:00.

Why isn't anyone up yet? I was up since 5:30!!

(A/N I often wake up at that time, even on the weekends. Without setting an alarm. I just wake up. Yes, I have had people ask me what was wrong with me.)

I popped my head in to Drew's room, hoping he and May would be cuddling up again.

Sadly, Drew was the only one there.

I made a sad face. Well, at least I still have these photos I took of them cuddling last night.

I walked out into the main room. Since no one will wake up on their own, I get to choose how they wake up.

I pulled a comically huge lever.

In 3... 2... 1...

Screams and shouts where heard throughout the house as ice-cold water dumped on them.

"JUST COME INTO THE STUDIO!!!!!!!! I HAVE BLANKETS AND TOWELS!!!!!!" I yelled to all of the people who might decide to take a lengthy shower to get warm, wasting even more time.

Everyone came in shivering, quickly excepting the offered blankets.

"First up, Double_silverwind."

Double - everyone sing love is an open door

Drew ~ you have to be chased with a giant lawnmower that is going to cut up your hair, (Grasshead) and the only way he can be saved is for him and May to confess their love to each other.

All boys ~ speak in a Mario voice (mama mia voice) for two whole chapters

A huge karaoke machine appeared out of seemingly nowhere. The sound track started.


"Okay, giant lawnmower time."

Drew ran in fear while the lawnmower chased him down.

Everyone else was laughing their butts off at the absurdity of the whole thing and Drew's misfortune.


That only made us laugh harder.

-1 hour later-

Wow... Drew is really determined not to confess, I thought, sweat dropping.

Suddenly the lawnmower slowed down before coming to a complete stand still.

I face palmed. "It's out of gas..."

"Who knew that his resolve not to confess is greater than his love for his hair."

"Okay. Boys, starting now you have to speak in a Mario voice."

Quite a bit of laughter ensued as the boys (attempted) to imitate the Italian video game character.

Paul and Drew settled for not talking, while Ash was just yapping away in a horrible, annoying, high pitched, not-anywhere-close-to-accurate Mario voice.

KarenandErin - make everyone sing you belong with me

I turned the karaoke machine back on.



"Fine. We're done singing. Scatter?"

No response. They pulled my headphones of my head.

"Why were you wearing headphones?"

I shrugged. "It's not my fault that you guy's voices clash."

Mewsicqueen - Make Ikari fluff

"Okay. Dawn and Paul, go over in the corner and kiss, cuddle, I don't know. Just do something fluffy. And rated T."

Dawn curled up in Paul's lap, and looked like she was about to take a nap.

"Oh, and all you readers? Could we pleas not do confessions yet? I created this fic so that we could make the characters do random things, and so we can get their true feelings on random things. (How does Paul feel about co-ordnating? Does Drew have that sister we've always wondered if he has?) I might do confessions near the end, but not quite yet."

"Aaaaaaaaand Dawn has fallen asleep."

"See ya!"

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