The hunt

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Dagon sprinted through the tropic jungle in his ragged clothing. The trees where ginormous compared to him, spanning up to heights as large as 50 feet or more, towering down casting shadows on the forest floor making it almost impossible to maneuver around without tripping. Dagon knew this part of the forest like the back of his hand. He took a sharp turn and not slowing down for a second. He kept sprinting through the forest jumping over roots and sliding under obstacles. Behind Dagon there was a rustling noise and a deep growl as out of the underbrush a giant tiger jumped out growling ferociously as it chased after Dagon. It must have been at least twice his size maybe even three times as large. Dagon couldn't look back, but he knew that the large tiger was right on top of him. Taking a quick sharp right turn and sliding low on the leaves and other debris on the jungle floor, Dagon barely missed the tiger jumping for his head and missing. "Shit, that was close," Dagon said under his breath as he kept running knowing that the tiger had to be more enraged than before and out for blood. Before the tiger could reach Dagon, he quickly found a fallen log that was hallowed out and quickly dove for the hole and slide into it. Crawling, Dagon moved forward just as the tiger pounced at the opening and clawing its way into the hole. Dagon kicked at the tiger's face knocking it out of the opening. Letting out a frustrating roar the tiger jumped up on the log ripping it apart and snarling at its elusive prey. Dagon tried to reach the other end of the log when a spot in front of him burst open and the tiger's head started to snap at him. "Fuck," Dagon shouted in fright as the tiger nearly bit his head off. He went to head back when behind him out of nowhere another tiger growled at him and stared to crawl toward him. "Two?! There are two of you?!" Dagon was stuck between two very angry and very hungry tigers.

Just as Dagon was about to be snack food for the tigers, the tiger at Dagon's feet suddenly let out a shrilled shriek as it was pulled out from the log by something. The other tiger quickly pulled its head out from the log and let out a growl which turned to a yelp as it disappeared from Dagon's sight. Dagon didn't move. There was only one thing that could have taken on two tigers and not even care. Suddenly the log was moving and Dagon let out a cry as he was lifted up with the log. Suddenly, at the back end of the log where the tiger used to be, a giant humanoid mouth appeared. It quickly opened up as the log was tilted upwards forcing Dagon to slide out of the log.

"No, stop, DOOOOON'T," Dagon yelled as loud as he could but was ineffective at stopping his decent into the giant human mouth. Dagon quickly fell into the maw and was assaulted by a slimy tongue that swirled him around. "Gahhh, nooooo," Dagon shouted as he was swished around. Dagon was covered in salvia and awaited what fate had in store for him as the tongue stop moving. Suddenly he was spit out of the mouth into a giant feminine hand that belonged to a giantess that looked to be just a few years younger than Dagon, who was about 24. The giantess' mouth grinned at Dagon. Dagon quickly shouted at the giantess, "You know how much I hate it when you do that!"

The giantess giggled at him, "That's why I do it brother," she said still laughing.

"God, now I'm going to smell like this for a week," Dagon said upset as he wiped off a layer of slime. "Jeez Cindy, couldn't you have saved me sooner."

"You were fine," Cindy said as she lifted her other hand holding the two now dead tigers.

"I was fine?" Dagon shouted at her. "One of them almost took my head off.

Cindy blew a raspberry at Dagon causing her spittle to cover his face again. "It would be an improvement," she told him.

Growling at her insult, "Just because you're bigger than me doesn't mean you can look down on me."

Cindy looked down at Dagon in her hand. "I'm looking down on you right now."

Dagon growled at her again, "You know what I mean."

"I know, I just like to tease my little brother," Cindy said knowing that calling her older brother her little brother would just make him more upset. Cindy carried Dagon and the tigers through the forest which she could almost look over the trees. Dagon looked at their catch today and noticed how incredible large the tigers were. They were twice his size, yet Cindy took care of them without even breaking a sweat.

"This should be enough food for us tonight. Save the pelts, I can trade them in town tomorrow." Cindy brought them to a cliff that overlooked the land. Cindy took a seat with her feet dangling off the cliff that she could probably easily jump off and not worry about any injury. Of course if Dagon tried... he wouldn't be so lucky. Looking over the landscape, Dagon watched as the sun was about to set in the horizon giving the valley off trees a nice shade of red and green. "Let me get started with the food," Dagon told Cindy who set him down. Dagon collected some fire wood and started a fire. Then he began to peel the pelt off the giant tigers and prepared the meal for both Cindy and him. When he was done he had two tiger pelt drying and the food almost done over the large fire pit. The sun was just setting and he heard Cindy's stomach growl at the smell of food. "Is this going to hold you," Dagon asked.

Cindy looked hurt, "Are you saying I'm fat?" Cindy patted her gut which was the complete opposite of fat.

"No, I didn't mean it like that," Dagon said trying to correct himself.

Cindy burst out laughing, "You're really bad with girls aren't you brother."

Dagon snorted, "Not just girls but pretty much anyone else too."

"At least you can talk to people," Cindy said killing her joyful mood. Dagon didn't say anything as he started to cut up the meat serving him a big portion of tiger leg and giving the rest to Cindy. Dagon didn't know who had it worse him or Cindy. She didn't have anyone but him.

Dagon was thinking which town would offer the most money for two tiger pelts. He was quickly snapped out of his thoughts as soon as Cindy tossed her second tiger down stripped of meat. She must have been starving because she picked them clean in the time it took him to only eat a few bites. There was a low growl coming from Cindy's gut.

"Man I'm full," Cindy shouted out loud trying to cover up the noise. She patted her gut and laughed.

"Here," Dagon said offering Cindy the rest of his food.

"Are you sure," Cindy asked hesitant at first but when Dagon offered it again she didn't hesitate and ate it too. "Thanks bro."

Dagon didn't say anything as he should have known that those tigers were just a snack to a growing Giantess. He would need to try harder next time to get more food for her. As the fire started to die down Dagon and Cindy got ready to sleep. He had a long road ahead of him and would take him a day or two to get to the nearest city and back. Cindy would have to wait for him to get back. "Let's get some sleep," Dagon said.

"Ok, come here," Cindy said as she scooped up Dagon and cupped him in her hands to form a physical barrier around Dagon from the outside world. At night it was more dangerous for someone like him. "I won't let anything hurt you brother. Sleep in peace," Cindy whispered as she curled up holding onto Dagon and drifting off to sleep.

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