Chapter 21

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As time passed, I realized how much I really did like Leighton. It was just supposed to be an act to get me out of this place but turned out I really did have feelings for her. I didn't want to escape that much anymore.

Everything went back to the way it was when we were younger, we'd watch movies, play games, joke around, it was the Leighton I had always known and loved.

She still mentioned the promise thing though, and I still couldn't figure out what it was exactly.

Life in the Seekers den was much better now. I was allowed much more freedom, although I wasn't permitted to go outside.

It was much better than Blair though, all she did was clean and train all day. I could tell by her expression that she was miserable.

I made my way to Leighton's room, knowing she was probably in her bed, watching the news at this time. I liked watching the news with her, we would both share our opinions and have small debates - which she would always win, of course.

I knocked on her door and waited to her signal to come in. She let out a small "yes" and I opened the door.

"Good morning, Leigh," I said, entering her room.

She smiled and moved to give me space to sit on her bed.

"What's going on in the world at the moment?"

She rolled her eyes. "Same as always. Rebellions in some countries, injustice, dictators," she was angry. "I hate the government."

I nodded. "Me too. You made me realize that they're not who they claim to be."

Leighton had explained everything with more details. I understood more their cause and I agreed with them. We needed to make a change.

"I want to join the Justice Seekers," I said.

She frowned, and gave me a surprised look.

"I'm afraid you can't, Taylor. I'm sorry. My parents have never liked you, remember? They wouldn't be pleased to know that you joined us. They don't even know you're here at the moment, and I know I'd never make it out alive if they did."

I tried to make my expression impassive, but I knew that it wasn't working and that she could see the hurt printed all over my face.

"Don't they want more people with them though?"

"Yes they do. But when they hate someone, they really want nothing to do with them. Your dad and my parents despised each other, so naturally they automatically started hating you too. That's why we had to keep our friendship a secret."

"I know," I whispered, defeated.

"And now, we also have to keep our relationship a secret."

We had never established that we were an item, nor had we made it official. I guess it was official now then.

"Come on now, don't be so upset," she said, pouting petulantly.

I smirked and she laughed, and kissed me on the cheek.

"I'm hungry," I said. "Let's go see what's on the menu today."

She nodded and I took her hand. We walked in the kitchen in a comfortable silence.

Blair was there, talking to Clea. They both looked messed up. One physically, the other mentally.

They both snapped their heads at the sound of our footsteps. Scared, they both mumbled a polite "hi Leighton, how are you?" at the same time.

Leighton rolled her eyes and waved a hand to dismiss them.

"Clea, go see Joseph. He has some things for you. Blair, come with us."

It was my turn to roll my eyes. Why did she always have to invite Blair to come with us? I thought she hated her?

"Of course," Blair murmured.

She always shut down whenever she was near Leighton, and every time she talked it was barely above a whisper and it was very hard to hear.

We sat in the kitchen and Blair served us spaghetti. It was delicious.

"Blair, I'm going to take you to McDonald's with me tomorrow," Leighton announced.

McDonald's! My mouth watered at the thought of their fries. How come Blair was the one going with Leighton?

"Why her?" I interjected, before Blair could respond.

Blair's face fell.

"Because, I need to spend more time with her. I need to know if I can trust her," Leighton responded calmly. "And of course, we'll obviously bring you back something."

"But I want to go outside," I whined. I was acting like a child, but I didn't care.

Leighton's expression darkened. Uh oh. I pissed her off.

"Why do you wanna go outside? You wanna leave me?" She snapped.

I didn't like this. She was acting like the Leighton I disliked, the crazy psychopath.

"Of course I wouldn't," I said.

She relaxed a little but remained angry nonetheless. "We won't stay there the whole day. We're just going to pick up some food and then leave, that's it. That's nothing to be jealous of."

I nodded, hiding my anger and frustration. I just wanted to see the world again.

"Anyways, back to the main topic," Leighton said, smiling. "Blair, are you willing to come with me?"

Blair nodded. A guilty expression was plastered on her face and she was avoiding eye contact with me.

The girls talked about their plans for tomorrow, completely ignoring my presence. Annoyed, I quickly got up and left the room without saying a word, making my way to the gym.

Blair was poisonous and I hated her even more every single day. I was afraid Leighton was starting to appreciate her, and I couldn't let this happen.

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