Chapter 24

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I waited anxiously for Leighton and Blair to come back with the McDonald's. They left at noon and it was already 3 PM and they hadn't come back yet. I started to worry, where the hell were they? Leighton assured me that it would only take about half an hour, and three hours had passed and I had no news of them.

I walked down the hall and spotted Ralph, in the entertainment room, sitting in front of the TV, watching the news.

"Ralph?" I called out from the door.

He blenched and struggled to regain his composure as he dropped the remote on the floor.

"Oh shit man, sorry for scaring you!" I exclaimed, moving closer to him and propping myself against the wall.

"It's alright," he said. "I was in my own world for a moment. Do you need anything, Taylor?"

"Do you know where Leighton and Blair are? They were supposed to come with the food three hours ago, I'm starting to worry."

He pursed his lips and wrinkles appeared on his forehead.

"I don't know where they are, but I'm sure they're all right," he said.

"I guess you're right," I said.

We heard the door from the main entrance open and Leighton's voice calling me out.

Ralph smiled. "You see? Everything is fine."

I smiled back and we walked out the room together. I was so excited that I started running towards Leighton. I stopped dead on my feet when I noticed that she wasn't carrying anything in her hands. I turned to Ralph and he was frowning, looking just as perplexed as I was.

"Where's the food?" I said.

She rolled her eyes. "Hello to you too, Taylor. I missed you too. My day was fine, thanks for asking. How was yours?"

I was too angry to reply. I stared at her defiantly, not saying anything. She held my gaze.

She finally sighed. "Look, I didn't get the chance to buy anything. Something happened along the way," she said.

I looked around for Blair and couldn't find her.

"Where is Blair?" I said.

Her face momentarily turned red with anger, then went back to normal.

"I've decided to let her go," she simply replied.

"Let her go?" I echoed, confused.

I looked at Ralph once again and he shrugged. He wasn't understanding any of this as much as I was.

"Yes. I let her go. God, stop asking me questions!" she snapped, gritting her teeth.

I hated when she acted like this, she was more agitated, easily angry this past week and I was getting tired of it. Not wanting to fight like yesterday, I walked out of the kitchen and went to my room without a word.

I hadn't realized I had fallen alseep until Leighton woke me up.

"How long was I alseep?" I inquired, rubbing my eyes.

"About thirty minutes I guess. Unless you went to bed as soon as you went in your room, which was an hour ago."

I nodded without saying anything, still angry at her.

She sighed loudly and threw herself on my bed.

"Taylor, I want to apologize for yesterday. And earlier for being rude. And also for the McDonald's. I know how much you wanted some but like I said-"

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