Chapter 9

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I woke up to the sound of something banging on the door. It came from the room next door, which was mine.

Taylor spent the night there, but his hands were attached so how could he be banging on the door like that?

I opened the door and he stumbled backwards and fell on his ass.

"What are you doing, Taylor?"

"Trying to get your attention."

"You have it now. What do you want?"

"I realized that I never asked what your name was," he said, casually shrugging his shoulders.

Wow. He woke me up at three in the morning to ask what my name was?
"I'm Blair. And I have school today, so will you please-"

"Blair... What's your last name?" He said, interrupting me.

"Weiss," I stuck my nose up, and stood straighter, proud to be the daughter of the ahem ex state senate.

He looked puzzled. "Weiss? Like John Weiss? So your dad is dead too?"

I nodded my head. Tears started welling in my eyes. I looked away to hide my sadness.

"I told you already. Leighton killed my father. She admitted she did it herself. I'm pretty sure she killed yours too."

"You're cra-"

My phone started ringing, interrupting him.
I looked at the caller ID and it was Leighton calling me.

"Shut up! She's calling me right now. Here's the proof that she's the psycho, and not me.
Do not speak a word!" I yelled.

He rolled his eyes and pursed his lips, listening intently as I put Leighton on speaker.

"Hi, Leighton," I said, in a harsh tone.

"You have him?" She asked. I could almost see her glaring at me.

"Yeah. I locked him up in my room," I snapped back.

I was tired of being nice to her. She killed my father and forced me to capture a nice, innocent guy.

"Good. Remember, I'll pick him up today after school."

I saw him tense from the corner of my eye.

"What are you going to do with him?" I stammered.

I felt bad for him and I was scared of what she was planning on doing to him. I knew what she was capable of.

"It's none of your business. You just had to get him and that's it. You fulfilled your task," her words still hung in the air after she hung up on me, rudely.

I turned to Taylor again, and all color was drained from his face.


"See? I'm not the psycho. She threatened to kill me."

"And you're going to hand me over to her," he yelled, accusingly.

"What else am I supposed to do? She'll kill me, and then she'll take you! It's no use, she's evil and we all know it."

He thought for a moment.

"What if we both run away? Since we're both in danger, we'll just leave. We could leave now."

He looked at me pleadingly. I knew he was scared, I could tell by the look in his eyes. I was scared to death as well, even though I didn't want to show it.

He was a smart guy. I would never have thought of that. I didn't want to hand him over to Leighton but I also didn't want her to kill me.

Running away would basically be suicide, because she was a dangerous murderer and we didn't stand a chance. But at the moment we really had no other choice.

"If we're about to escape, then we have to do it now. I'm going to get some stuff, and then we'll go," I snapped. "You better be in good shape, because there will be a lot of running."

He smiled as I untied him. "You sound like you did this all your life."

"I have planned to run away before" I said, looking away.

I never thought this would happen. I was about to run away from a crazy killer I used to take care of with a stranger that I kidnapped just a few hours ago.

I was going to laugh at how ridiculous that sounded, but I figured it would be inappropriate, since both our lives were at stake.

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