. e l e v e n .

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it's night and jungwoo was out for training with ten. sicheng had lucas over and was cooking dinner. at time like these, lucas knows sicheng had some tea ready to be spilled.

"you know you can just say it. i came here for tea." lucas said as he ate sicheng's fries.

"right. you're always demanding."

sicheng set the plate down and sat in front of his cousin. "remember the rumor about the top floor washrooms? ten told me that."

"really? i got it from john. but the guys told me it's far from being haunted. it's used for sex but i never went in there. i don't come in the top floor that often." lucas said digging in the salad.

"right?! and i was really confused because i was with yuta last week and i saw ten in the top floors. i mean i know his schedule, he doesn't have any business in there at that time of the night. but he entered the washroom so quick." sicheng knew what was going on and he hoped lucas got the idea.

lucas looked back up on sicheng as he realized something. "i saw him enter that same washroom a bunch of times before."

they went quiet for a few good seconds thinking that their suspicions were actually true. he had the guts to hide this from me. sicheng thought.

"is it possible, they're fooling around?"

"i mean, they're not that close when we're all together. they don't talk that much. somehow, it makes so much sense." lucas said before adding, "but why?"

"there must be a good reason why. but should we bust them out?" maybe they don't have to know that we know. sicheng thought.

"let's wait for them to come out instead."

lunch time was dull for the two boyfriends. they didn't speak at all unlike before. johnny was weirded out of ten's behavior. he was being a brat and johnny doesn't like it. right when they were finished with their meals, they were headed off to trainings. ten had dance club along with taeyong and sicheng while johnny was going straight to volleyball.

the two friends went ahead as ten was left to refill his tumbler. suddenly, a hand grabbed his arm spilling the drink in the fountain.

"why are you behaving like this?"

as ten saw the expression on the man's face, he pulled his hand back. "you're seriously asking me why i'm behaving like this?" ten raised an eyebrow showing displease.

"yes. why are you ignoring me? you've been ignoring me all day. you've been leaving me on read since i sent you messages this morning and i left you voice mails but you haven't returned them. did i do anything wrong?" he made sure to lower his voice in case the students passing by didn't notice anything wrong between them.

"yes you did. where were you last night?"

ten's words sent shivers on johnny's spine. does he know? he started thinking in his head. the cold sweat was making him uncomfortable and his heart was thumping fast.

"i told you, i was with jae doing my homework. i was back in the dorms." johnny said trying not to sound suspicious.

ten was angrier by the second. he couldn't be with johnny right now. "you sure? that's not what wendy noona told me."

with a light push, he walked past johnny down the halls and making his way to the studio.

johnny was left dumbfounded. ten knew? ten finally figured it out and he was not pleased to say it hurt.

when ten entered the studio, the dancers were already warming up the trainees. he walked over to the couch and dropped his bag down the couch. he tried not to seem wary but lisa knows of course.

"hey ten. are the trainees with us today?" sicheng asked as the music stopped.

"uhh, yeah. but not here. we have to practice for the opening tomorrow. send them to the next room." ten stood up and clapped his hands gaining the attention of everyone.

"since trainees aren't dancing with us in the opening tomorrow, we have to polish out with the dancers in here. so trainees, with hyunjin, in the next room."

the trainees were out and the dancers were scattered around the studio. his head was hurting and his heart was clenching. he rubbed his temples lightly and went to play the music.

"you alright, cuz?" lisa went behind him and whispered lowly.

"i'm fine. don't worry about me." ten assured with a smile before turning back.

"i'm here, remember. if you need me." she lightly placed her hand on his back with a slight rub before joining the rest.

ten exhaled and shook his body as to calm himself down. he sighed once more before starting his dance.

johnny wasn't playing right. he kept missing and he was benched for the rest of the set in the training.

it was a low argument but he kept thinking how to make it up for his boyfriend. he didn't mean to lie. and ten's number one rule was supposedly no lies but there he was, lying all about his friendly date with a friend.

all the hiding from everyone was giving him a headache.

"you still not okay?"

chan came to him after the set was over. he sat down next to the man and wiped out his sweat. "you look troubled."

johnny sighed but he ignored the feeling. "loosen up, man. it's not good for the game." chan added. "you better lose that frown before the others sees you." chan drank from his water bottle turning his head over the girls in play.

bang chan is a spiker in their game. he's been training with johnny since last week and he's been seeing the weird expressions on his face since the second he stepped into the court. chan was a good friend of everyone and he's one you can rely on.

the look on chan's face seemed like something that can make you tell him your problem. johnny saw it but there was no way he was revealing his secret. "problems?" chan said. "come on, before second set starts."

johnny shook his head lightly and said, "yeah, it's nothing. it's just an argument with a friend."

"ahh. don't worry everything will be fine. you know what i always think when i get in an argument with someone important to me?" chan faced him. "time heals. a simple argument is not worth losing your friendship. you just gotta tell him you're sorry, make an effort then give him a little time."

"bang and seo!" before the conversation can get carried away, the other players called them out.

"well, we didn't have enough time to talk about that. come on, we gotta train for tomorrow."

chan's words gave him an idea what to do for his boyfriend. johnny being in the game also made him think less about everything and calm his nerves down.

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