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We are at the airport, Team Iron Man facing Capitan America. "Alright, I run out of patience. Underoos!" A web then catches Capitan's shield and yanks it, another web puts Cap's hands together "Look out!" The shield flies throught the air, behind Team Iron Man, Peter in a new suit lands in a clasic Spider-man pose. "Here comes the Spider-man." He stands up and talks with a deeper, confidence voice, trying to sound older. "Capitan America, nice to meet you, it's a honor, shame it's under these circumstances." He says while bowing before everyone. Capitan looks at Tony. "A kid?" Peter puts his hand up "Ehm, Spider-man, as an adult." Tony looks at him. "You're not foolin' anyone."
Steve looks at Tony with an unamused look. "You've been busy." "And you've been a complete idiot. Draggin' in Clint, rescuing Wanda from a place she doesn't wanna leave, a save place! I am tryin' to!! I am tryin' to keep you away from turnin' thr Avengers apart" "You did that when you signed." "Alright, we done. You gonna turn Barnes over or you're gonna come with us! Now! Because it's US! Or squad of JSOC guys with no compuction bein' impolite." In Cap's earpiece, Falcon says something to Capitan. "We found it. Their Quinjet is in hanger 5, north runway."
Then an explosion behind Team Iron Man happens that gets Capitan's shield of the ground and another explosive arrow fires it towards Capitan in a perfect position to cut the webs, when the shield is close to Spider-man, Ant-Man gets bigger and kicks Peter from the truck he was on, lands on the ground, stumbeling back, he stops next to Capitan who just put the shield on his arm. "Oh, great. Alright there are two on the parking deck, one of them is Maximoff, I am gonna grab her." Tony then flies away. "Rhodey, you wanna take Cap?" "Got two on the terminal. Wilson and Barnes." Panter then shouts. "Barnes is mine!" Spider-man fires a web and swings in Panter's direction. "Gonna assisst the angry cat!" Capitan trows his shield into Rhodey. While Capitan fights Panter, Spidey swings over them. "Alright, getting a head start."
(AN: The rest of the fight will be from Peter's perspective, also, he uses the deeper voice the whole time, he uses it always in suit.) He crashes throught the window, kicking Falcon. "Bye Birdie." Barnes goes for a punch, but Peter catches it. "Wow, you got a metal arm? That's so awsome dude." Falcon flies up to him and grabs him. "Not interested Mama Bird." He says as he pushes himself of, when he lands his Spidey-sense goes off. "Oh oh." He moves away and catches the buildboard. "Hey dude, you left this here!" He trows it back at Bucky. Falcon then kicks him in the back, Peter webs himself somewhere else and webs one of the Falcon's jets. Whitch makes him fall throught a glass roof and onto the ground. When he gets up, Peter webs his hands to a metal railing and lands on a pillar. "Those wings carbon fiber?" "This stuff's coming out of you?" "That would explain the rigidity, flexibility ration, whitch i gotta say, is awsome." "I don't know if you ever been in a fight before, but there's usualy not this much talking." "Alright sorry my bad." Peter swings at him while Bucky runs to them, he kicks both throught the railing and the glass onto the ground and webs them up. He lands on a pillar. "Guys i would love to keep this up, but i am here only for Barnes. So if you won't mind i will just-" Redwing then flies by and catches Peter. It trows him out a window.
The teams start going closer to each other, speeding up, breaking into a run. " Combat time! "Peter shouts and the teams clash, Peter fighting Wanda. After few minutes of fighting Peter swings by as Capitan cuts his web.
Peter lands." This thing doesn't obbey the laws of physics at all." "Hey kid, there's alot of going on thwt you don't understand." "Oh, like what?" "Like the reason for fighting is wrong. Bucky is innocent. There are five more guys like him, and someone is trying to get to them and use them." Peter things for a second before saying something to himself. "Spider-sense is silent, meaning it's the truth." Peter looks at Steve. "Alright, What's the deal, how can i help Capitan Rodgers?" "Sorry kid, but i would be happier if you stayed out of this, if you help us, poeple will go after you." Peter walks closer to Cap. "Sorry, that's not how i roll. I gotta help somehow." "Not gonna happen, if you wanna help, get out of here." Peter looks at the ground for a second,then looks back up. "Fine, hit me." "What?" "If you want me out of it, i gotta get hurt enought to not be able to continue." "Fine. Stay still." Steve says before smashing the shield across Peter's head, making him go to the ground. "Ow, that was-that was a good one Cap." Peter said in pain. The fight continued for few minutes, before Steve and Bucky escaped, the rest of his team got caught. Peter had a black eye and was on his way home....
Ok, this had a bit more changes, Peter listening to Cap is a bit more in-line with Peter, making him split between Tony and Steve, how it should be in my opinion, next time we will get first chapter of Homecoming, the post credit scene of Civil war is exactly the same. I hope you enjoyed, don't forget to comment and vote if you liked it, and see you next chaper.. Or in another book. Bye

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