chapter 5 • meeting new people

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We pulled up to Sam's house, I took a deep breath. I've always kind of had social anxiety. I guess sam noticed because he grabbed my hand and said
"Hey, they'll like u ok?"

We got to the basement where they all were. they didn't notice us so sam spoke up
"Hey, guys, I want U to meet Camryn"
I shyly waved at them.

"Hey hey I'm Arabella!" This girl with brown short hair said. she had really blue eyes and was really tan. She was wearing a Rolling Stones shirt tucked into a black high wasted skirt with converse. she was really pretty.

"Hi nice to meet u, I like ur name" I said back
"Oh thanks! I'm jack G's girlfriend"
"That's nice, Want to exchange numbers?"

After we exchanged numbers I met everyone else. then we decided to watch a scary movie. I hate scary movies so in the end I woke up on the coach cuddled with Sam.
In all honestly I think I'm falling hard for this boy, every time I see him I just wanna kiss him.

Everyone was asleep and it was 12:45 am I looked over and Arabella and Jack were all cuddled it was so cute. I soon drifted off back to sleep.

"Aw they're so cute"
"I ship that shit"
"Damn wilkinson pull!"

I woke up to people talking. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Arabella and everyone else standing over us talking pics. Sam finally woke up and we all decided to go to ihop.

"So y'all were a little cuddly last night eh?" Nate asked Sam and I

I just looked down and blushed and Sam spoke up and said
"Yeah it was amazing" then winked at me which made me blush 10x worse.

"Aw wittle Camryn is blushing!"
Jj said.

After ihop Sam drove me home and before I got out of the car he said
"Listen Camryn, I wanna take U on a real date can I pick you up tomorrow at 7:00?"

"Yeah, I'd like that" I said
"Good, dress fancy cutie" he said as he gave me a hug

I walked into my house to see a very pissed off mom.
"WHERE THE HELL HAVE U BEEN!" My mom is usually not mad but I think it's because sam was kind of a stranger.

"Uh at Sam's" I said quietly
"Why were u at a strangers house!"
"Mom he's not he's really sweet!"
"Whatever Camryn!"
"Why does it matter im 18 anyway!"

With that being said she slapped me in the face and I ran up to my bedroom and locked the door. I don't know what happened my mom is never like that she rarely even gets angry.

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