His Sweater

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You hated being apart from Chris more than anything in the world. More often than not, his projects required him to travel; which forced him to be away from you for up to several months at a time. This year had been a hard one, as he'd been gone for most of it in order to shoot the last two Avengers movies back-to-back. Not only that, but he also took on a role in a separate film named The Red Sea Diving Resort, which began its production in June. With such a tight schedule, Chris had only been able to make it home for a couple holidays here and there, and you weren't due to have him back for good until the fall.

You knew you would make it through; you always did. Phone calls and video chats throughout the week made it easier, but they lacked a personal element that you so deeply craved. You missed the prickly feeling of his beard against your mouth and the warmth of his embrace. You missed him humming against your skin playfully and running your fingers through his chestnut hair. But above all else, you yearned for his subtle, musky scent.

Early on in your relationship, you had been extremely vocal about your adoration for his smell. It may sound creepy, but you always found a sense of comfort whenever you would spray his cologne while he was gone, and you often stole pieces of his clothing that carried the scent. It reached a point where he eventually gifted you one of his sweatshirts, so that you could relish his fragrance whenever you pleased.

"Babe, it's only for a couple days," Chris said as his arms tightened around your waist.

"I know. I don't know why it's so hard for me to let you go," You told him, cupping his cheek in your hand, "I wish I could freeze this moment and just hold onto you forever."

At that, he placed a slow, passionate kiss on your lips before stopping suddenly. You watched his eyes dart around for a moment before he let go of you, disappearing down the hallway. You felt abandoned there at the kitchen counter, and were already desperate for his touch again.

"What are you doing?" You asked.

"I've got something I think you'll like," He said from across the house.

He returned moments later with one of his old Patriots hoodies. You hadn't seen him wear it much the last several months, and you almost forgot that he even had it. —Though at one point, it was one of your favorites of his. The material looked loose and faded, and since he had worn it so much, the smell of him permanently lingered within the fabric no matter how many times you washed it. It was the perfect device to keep you stable until you could hold him again for real.

"How about you hold onto this for me while I'm gone," Chris suggested, holding it out to you.

"You know this looks like a dress on me right?" You joked, accepting the folded sweater from his hands.

"And it still looks so perfect on you."

You stared out the window, coffee cup in hand while reminiscing about past times with your boyfriend. It was cold and rainy; the first chilly day you'd seen in a while, and it made you all the more eager for fall to arrive. You rose from your seat at the kitchen nook, slid on your slippers, and headed up the stairs to retrieve the sweatshirt from all those years ago. The dreariness of the outdoors made you want to cozy up beside Chris, but for now the cotton sleeves of his Patriots sweater would have to do.

You skimmed through the closet the two of you shared, searching for it swiftly. He normally kept it in the back behind most of his winter clothes, but for some reason, you couldn't pinpoint the location. You shuffled through hangers filled with sweaters and hoodies numerous times but still found nothing. You also checked the side with all your clothes, wondering if you'd accidentally put it back in the wrong spot. Even then, the sweatshirt was nowhere to be found.

Something about the missing pullover got you worked up. You began raiding drawers, growing more and more frantic as the search continued. Soon, you were checking through old boxes packed away in storage, but you were unable to find it. The frustration quickly made its presence through hot, stinging tears that began to pool over your eyelids. You pulled up Chris' number in your phone as calmly as you could, not wanting to startle him or interrupt anything important that might've been going on.

"Hey, what's up?" He answered casually.

"Hey," You responded. It was all you could manage to get out without your voice breaking.

"Everything okay?" He asked, noticing the delicacy of your voice.

You sighed into the phone, unable to hold the tears back any longer, "I miss you so much."

On the other line, Chris felt his heart break as he listened to you sob into the microphone. He felt guilty for being away so long, knowing that it was beginning to take a toll on the both of you.

"I miss you too," Chris said sweetly, "Maybe we can FaceTime tonight?"

"I can't find the sweatshirt," You said, completely ignoring his offer.

"What?" Chris asked.

You sniffled, having finally calmed down from your unexpected outburst, "The Patriots one you gave me a couple years ago. It's gone, I can't find it."

You heard him giggle through the phone, causing you to get defensive.

"Are you kidding me?" You spat, "I've been looking for God knows how long for this stupid jacket; literally tearing the house apart and you're laughing right now?!"

"Honey," He said calmly, "Did you check the mail today?"

You paused for a moment. The mail?

After realizing, you suddenly sprang up from the bedroom floor, rushing as quickly you could through the mess of clothes and boxes that were splayed across the room. You couldn't get downstairs fast enough once you caught a glimpse of the brown package planted outside on the front step. You swung the door open, placing your phone to your chest as you looked down at the little cardboard box addressed to you. The return address was under Chris' name.

You didn't waste another second before bringing it inside, ripping through the tape with your own hands. You lifted the flaps to find the royal blue sweater folded neatly at the bottom. There was a post-it note stuck to the front and you peeled it off, bringing it closer so you could read the message.

Not sure how this ended up in my luggage. Think you can hold on for one more month? - Chris

The tears soon came crawling back as you brought the phone back up to your ear.

"Thank you!" You cried with excitement, "I love you. I can't wait see you."

You could practically hear him smiling ear to ear on the other end.

"Right back at you, babes. Oh, and you never gave me an answer on the FaceTime call," He mentioned.

You held the sweater close, taking in the scent, "It's a date."

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