Meeting His Family

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You huffed as you messed with your hair, attempting to style it perfectly. You'd spent the last hour trying to get it to cooperate, but to no avail. You were going all out; curling your hair, a little bit of makeup already applied and even picking out a nice dress to wear. You were meeting your boyfriend's family for the first time tonight after five months of dating and you wanted to set a good impression. But family gatherings never failed to stir up your anxiety, even when it was with your own family. You weren't sure how you were going to make it through the night, though you were grateful that you had Chris to help you.

Chris, whom you met while costarring in Before We Go, had a way of diffusing tense situations. He wasn't necessarily one to hold his tongue in certain conversations, especially those pertaining to politics, but he had a respected skill for making anyone feel comfortable sharing their thoughts. It was one of things that first attracted you to him—his acceptance for other people.

It felt so right being with him. In the beginning, you felt yourself falling for him faster than you expected to, especially considering you'd never truly been in love before. Now there were no words to fully describe the amount of love you felt, and you had high hopes of a future with him. So, needless to say, getting his folks' approval was extremely important to you.

You eventually gave up trying to adjust your hair and went to put on your dress. It was a a simple black dress that came to just above your knees, and you paired it with some sandals so that it didn't look too formal. Chris entered the room moments later and you turned to face him.

"Does this look okay?" You asked, striking a goofy pose while gesturing to the outfit.

Chris, who wore a form-fit sweater, jeans and loafers, chuckled cutely, "Looks great."

He crossed to your side of the room as you turned back toward the mirror. Gently, his arms wrapped around your waist as he came up behind you and placed a warm kiss on your cheek.

"Even if you wore a clown suit to dinner, I think you'd still look good," He said, staring at you through the mirror.

You laughed at the prospect, "Well I'm glad we don't have to test that."


You felt your heart rate pick up as Chris pulled into the driveway of his childhood home. It was a beautiful house, exactly the kind you imagined you'd live in one day. Though you were anxious to go in, you felt a hint of excitement as well. You smoothed out your dress before getting out of the car, but Chris made it around to your side and opened the door for you before you could. He took your hand, helping you out and held onto it as you neared the front door. You squeezed it for a moment before he inched forward, walking in behind him.

The room erupted into roars as everyone welcomed the two of you. Each of them came to hug you and Chris, smiling and cheering, and you felt yourself ease up instantly. You recognized everyone from pictures he'd shown you, but they all introduced themselves anyway, as did you. Within moments, you found yourself seated at the table with Chris on your right side and his sister, Carly, on your left. The grown ups all chatted among themselves, drinks in hand, while the children played in the living room. The little ones were loud, but the noise actually helped you loosen up a bit.

Soon, you were halfway through dinner when the conversation seemed to split into sections. Chris and his brother, Scott, were laughing hysterically about something while on the other side of the table, his sisters and mother talked with you about work. You told them the story of how the two of you met, recalling the audition clearly in your mind. Though they already heard Chris' side, they loved hearing your experience.

"You did such a good job in the film," Carly said, placing a hand on your shoulder, "No one could've done better. Plus, look what it lead to, I mean you guys are so great together."

You felt a big smile spread across your face, "Thank you. It means a lot to hear you say that."

"I'm not just saying that to flatter you either. He absolutely adores you. I've never seen him this happy."

"I agree," His mother, Lisa, chimed in, "You really bring out the best in him. It's wonderful to see."

"And what are we talking about over here, hmm?" Chris asked, briefly revisiting the original conversation.

"Oh nothing, I was just telling (Y/n) how you still have that puppy poster hanging up on your wall from when you were in middle school," Carly joked.

Chris' jaw fell as a big belly laugh escaped him, "Way to out me, Carly."

As the night progressed, you continued talking with Carly and Lisa. You finally managed to unwind and now spoke calmly to the women in the room. After a while you noticed that Shanna, Chris' other sister, barely added to the conversation, and you began to feel self-conscious. She hadn't even looked at you for most of the evening, except for when the two of you introduced yourselves. You tried not to let it soak for too long in your mind, but you couldn't fight the voice in your head telling you that she didn't like you.

At that point, you felt the tears coming on and you worked hard to hold them back. You knew it wouldn't stick for long though, and you excused yourself politely before walking out the front door to get some air. You were sure they could sense something was wrong, and while you couldn't think of a reasonable lie for walking out, you didn't want any of them to see you cry.

Chris was outside next to you within seconds, ready to talk.

"Everything alright?" He asked, searching your face.

"Your sister...I don't think she likes me," You told him.

"Carly?" He asked confused.

"No, Shanna."

"What makes you think that?"

You shook your head, feeling the tears returning, "She hasn't said but two words to me all night. She won't even look at me."

Chris' face remained unchanged as you finally let the tears fall.

"It's okay honey, that's just Shanna. She keeps to herself a lot more than the rest of us."

You didn't believe him at first, "I just don't think she wants me here."

"Look at me," Chris said, lifting your chin so that he could look at your face, "She's extremely shy. I promise, she'll warm up to you in time. If not, then I'll make her."

You didn't say anything as he used his thumb to wipe the wet stains on your face. You jolted as the door opened beside you both, revealing Shanna standing in the doorway.

"You guys alright out here?" She asked.

"Yeah, we're alright. Be there in a few." Chris said, still holding your waist.

She looked at you sympathetically before closing the door. You hoped she didn't hear your accusations before opening the door to check on you. You began to calm yourself down after that, realizing how in over your head you were.

"She cares about you, (Y/n). They all do. I'm sure everyone already considers you a part of this family, just like I do."

His words made you feel like you were floating. He always knew the right thing to say.

"I love you," You said, hugging him tightly.

"I love you too. You ready to head back inside?" He asked.

You grinned mischievously, "Only if you show me your room. I'm dying to see that poster."

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