Chapter 2

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Louise couldn't sleep properly that same night, it was either because of the roasted beef that swam in garlic butter, or the fact that her fifth year at Hogwarts was starting in the morning, which meant one thing, she'd have to talk to Niall soon. The very thought of it terrified her to no end, but she had to do something about it, and a feeling deep in her guts told her she'd have some competition. This was going to be a tough year for everyone, first of all, her confession to Niall, and second, she'd have to take the O.W.Ls and she'd need to do really well on those if she wanted to do N.E.W.Ts and have a good rest of her life. Both things mattered a lot to Louise after everything her father told her, since he did really well in school, but not having good friendships tore him apart, and Louise didn't want that for herself. This was the year when everything would change, for her and her friends, and hopefully, for the best. She turned around for what felt the hundredth time and saw that Rebecca was wide awake as well.

"Hey Becca, are you alright? Why can't you sleep?" Louise asked in a hushed voice, to try and not wake the other girls up.

"Yeah, I'm just nervous about starting tomorrow, seeing Alvaro roaming the halls as if nothing had happened, he really infuriates me sometimes. Like, how can anyone be so laid back after spending so much time with someone, kissing them, and then fleeing the country right after?" She said in an exponentially louder tone after every sentence, Louise made her a sign to keep her voice lower, since it was almost three in the morning.

"Oh my god, so that's why you were so pissed at him? When? How? Why didn't you write me over the vacations? You could've come over and talk it over with me... this was your first kiss Becca, that's a big deal." Louise had to admit she was disappointed in her friend for not telling her about it, knowing fully well how she felt about Alvaro.

"I know Lou, but it was a spur of the moment kind of experience, and honestly, I haven't even come to terms with it," Rebecca gave a long sigh before continuing. "What even makes me madder is the fact that he was good at it, after kissing so many girls, he admitted to it himself. And for the cherry on top, he even told me he liked me, ever since third year, and then he kissed me."

As Louise was putting the pieces together, she couldn't believe how much things had already changed in the time span of two months. What if Niall had already kissed someone over the summer? Was she the only one in her year who hadn't done anything? She couldn't wrap her mind around the thought that she wouldn't share a very important milestone with the boy she hoped would be her boyfriend, she had to admit, she was jealous of a hypothetical girl from a very hypothetical situation. "Are you alright Lou?" That tiny whisper brought her back to reality and barely managed to reply with: "yeah, I'm fine, tiredness just washed right over me, I think I'm going to sleep, alright?"

"Alright... are you sure you don't wanna tell me anything?" But Louise had already closed her eyes and tried to mentally prepare herself for what was coming in the next few days, and drifted off to the least easy nights to sleep through of her life.

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