The Bet

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Four girls and seven boys are sitting in a circle playing the game truth or dare.

Jisoo spin the bottle and it point towards Namjoon, they all look at Namjoon and Jisoo smirk wickedly, it made Jin nervous not only Namjoon.

"Whatever in your mind right now..don't  even think about it!" Jin warned his girlfriend but the latter smirk even wider.

This made Jin and Namjoon face palmed their self at the same time.

"Truth or dare?" Everyone ask and
Namjoon picked the truth.

"Have you ever realize that You and Jin look like a couple, like com'on I will give him up to you if you said that your a gay behind that abs?" Jisoo said teasingly and Namjoon almost shout at her if Jin didn't stop him on time.

"We don't like each other okay and I am not a gay!" He said with finality in his voice and everyone tried hard to stop their laugh but failed.

They all laugh and Namjoon didn't bother tham and just spin the bottle once again.

"Lisa!" He said as the bottle is pointing at her, everyone stop laughing and focus on Lisa.

"Truth or dare?" Jisoo ask and Lisa think.

"Dare!"She answered and Jungkook's eyes widen, he glared at his hyung telling him to not ask something stupid that he doesn't like.

Everyone felt Jungkook's stare whos giving Namjoon daggers.

Namjoon smirk but not at Jungkook, instead he smirk at Lisa making the girl to smirk back.

"I dare you to make a bet with Jungkook, that who got jealous first will clean the whole house for a week!" The president declared and everyone cheered for him being the good president better than any other president, Jin blowing kisses and his girlfriend watching him disgustingly.

Lisa stand from her indian sit and congratulate her advance victory.

"Too easy oppa, Jungkook is a posessive jerk just a finger touch and he'll get jealous." She said confidently, walking in the kitchen unbothered.

Jungkook eyes widen and also stand up from his sit, disagreeing at Lisa's word.

"Not anymore, 'cause I am sure you'll get jealous first before me." He said acting confident but deep inside his nervous, not because of the said punishment but because of the said bet.

"Whatever bunny boy!" Lisa said rolling her eyes, as she drink her orange juice.

"Alright, it's settle then we'll start tommorow so be ready 'cause we're playing dirty." Said Jennie checking her new finger nails, her boyfriend Taehyung hugging her shoulder.

"DIRTY WHAT?!!" Jungkook exclaimed loudly which made everyone shock at the sudden out burst.

Lisa almost spit out her drink hearing Jungkook's terrifying words.

"She's kidding Love." Lisa said trying to calm her boyfriend.

"But why does she look serious?" He ask in disbelief and Lisa just shake her head disappointedly.

"That's how she express her feelings Love, like Yoongi oppa..they aren't siblings without a reason." Lisa aswered him savagely and everybody 'ohhed' making Jungkook crossed his arms, pouting his lips.

He walk towards Lisa and back hug her, everyone cringed and stuck their tongue out making the lovey dovey couples to giggled.

They walk to their respective rooms leaving the two alone in the kitchen.

"My baby is feisty." Jungkook said smirking and Lisa just kiss his cheeks.

"Get ready 'cause I am gonna use my charms tommorow." Lisa said teasing the poor boy, he pout cutely at Lisa and she pinch his cheeks.

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