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When i was entering his room the first thing that catches my eyes is his mini piano. I have a lot of memory with piano, and with my dad. I miss him so much. We used to play piano together and he used to teach me some songs. I remember the first song that he taught me. "May I play this piano?" I asked him shyly. "Yes of course."

I started playing the piano, all the memory start coming back like a flood, I can feel the happiness, I feel like my dad is here, besides me, playing the piano with me. I decide to stop playing because of the memory, it just hard to take it.


She start playing the piano. She closed her eyes and start playing it in harmony, it sounds beautiful. But then suddenly she stops, I can see tears coming from her eyes. She must've think about her dad. This is so sad, i wish i could comfort her.

It's a good memories, its just too sad to remember

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