Just tell me already (Zeus x Hiro)

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This takes place before Hiro's trial with the fierga, where Hiro would have gone to see Liz but is instead helping Zeus with his classwork.

" Hiro, "

No reply.

" Hiro, "

Still no reply.

" Hirooooo, "

" For goodness sake, yes Zeus? " The raven haired boy huffs as he turns to face the boy with a shock of blue hair, not that you could really see Hiro's hair with his hood up all the time. Zeus grins from his position upside down on the couch.

" How's it going? " The cocky male laughs with stormy blue orbs as he sits back up the right way.

" Seriously? The more you ask the more likely I'm going to make sure you fail this paper, " The other replies with a roll of his eyes (nice rhyme) and turns back to what he was writing. Zeus creeps up behind him, pulling down his hood revealing the raven locks. " What the- Hey! What have I told you about that?! " Hiro snaps, immediately pulling the hood back up again.

" Oh come oonnn, you can do that later, " The slightly taller male whines, trying to snatch away the paper unsuccessfully.

" It's due tomorrow, unless you do actually want to fail, " Even when saying this, the raven haired boy leans back in the seat and puts down the quill.

" Ah who cares, it's only History. And I pretty much know it all anyway. You should be more worried about your trial tomorrow, " Stormy eyes sparkle under strands of blue. " Can we go to the café now? "

" Fine, but- " He doesn't get to finish his sentence as the other quickly grabs his hand and whisks him away from the desk. They soon arrive at the conveniently empty café. Other students were probably studying or sleeping, two of the things Hiro would rather do right now.

Instead of usually sitting across the table from eachother, the stormy eyed male slides in the seat beside the raven haired boy.

" What are you doing? " Hiro raises an eyebrow, taking a sip of his drink before setting the glass back down on the table.

" Sitting next to you, is that okay? " Zeus asks, his tone softer than usual.

" Mmm.. What is it? "

" What's what? "

" You're acting weird, I can tell you want to tell me something, " Fiery amber orbs flicker over to meet stormy blue ones. Though the swirling clouds within them were settling, holding not as much anger as they usually did.

" Maybe I do, maybe I don't, " Zeus shrugs, not breaking eye contact and concerning his closest friend.

" Just tell me already, you're making me uncomfortable.. " Hiro mumbles, reluctantly turning his eyes away to stare down at the fizzing liquid in his glass.

" No don't turn away, it just makes it more awkward.. " Zeus mutters and rubs his eyes with his hand. He had not gotten a drink for himself yet, and isn't planning to as he runs through different scenarios in his head. Acceptance. Rejection. Awkwardness. Anger.

Hiro turns his head to face the usually-loud male. " More awkward? What in the world are you on abou- Mm?! " His question is cut short as lips smash against his own. Initially he stiffens, but soon closes his eyes and melts against the kiss. They only part when both had run out of breath.

" Well say something... " The slightly taller male sighs and folds his arms, avoiding eye contact with the other now as he blushes a deep red.

" What am I supposed to say. I love you too? " This earns Hiro a laugh from the stormy eyed boy.

" I love the fact you can say that so casually.. " Zeus snickers, his eyes flickering over to face amber orbs but always turning away again.

" I love the fact you turn into a blushing mess in these situations, " Hiro laughs softly, ruffling the prefect's shock of blue hair but then keeping his hand there, which Zeus then leans into. He yawns before moving Hiro's arm to be around his shoulders. " Somebody's tired, "

" No I'm not! I - " Zeus's sentence gets cut off by another yawn. " Oh whatever, "

The raven haired boy chuckles, twirling a lock of blue around his finger. " Wanna sleep in my room tonight? "

" No I'm not sleeping on the floor again, that was extremely uncomfortable last time, " The stormy blue eyes flutter shut as he leans against the other.

" My bed's big enough for two, idiot. And don't fall asleep on me here, " Hiro says that a few seconds too late as soft snores are all that could be heard throughout the room. Sighing, he finishes his drink before carefully slipping Zeus onto his back and walking out.

He arrives at Zeus's room shortly after, since his room was further away from the café, having to nudge the door open with his foot as the other nuzzles his face into the crook of his neck. Hiro smiles softly and clumsily lays Zeus down on the bed, tucking the blankets over him and placing a kiss on his forehead.

" Goodnight, dumbass, "


I've always loved these two as a couple, and I definitely believe Hiro would be the one babying Zeus in the relationship.

Just for fun, who do you ship in Wizardess Heart?

Hope you enjoyed ^^ and I might do a part 2 which includes the trial the next day

Fox out 🐺

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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