Sugawara Kōshi: Parental Guidance

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Summary: fluff, fun

• That moment when your partner dynamic accidentally takes a turn toward the suggestive thanks to Karasuno.

Warnings: suggestive themes


Did you ever want to become parents at such a young age? No.

Did you ever expect to suddenly adopt 9 chaotic individuals all at once? Hell no.

Yet, that was what came with dating the Vice Captain of Karasuno VBC, Sugawara Kōshi - and would you change any of that? Definitely not.

Once the new quartet of first years had joined you, that's really when you noticed the parental instincts of your boyfriend emerge much to your great amusement. As unofficial co-manager alongside Kiyoko, you got to witness such a revolution up close and personal, and it likely helped that the first years didn't know the two of you were dating in the beginning.

It wasn't a secret, the loving looks and teasing antics you'd exchange were devout to the love you shared between one another and bled into that which you willing shared with the team. It was wholesome in a way, underclassmen feeling comfortable enough to engage in casual conversation with either of you despite your relationship, even Tsukishima much to your surprise - though it was usually offhanded comments on Kageyama or Hinata.

Of course, being viewed as members of responsibly (low-key parental figures) meant dealing with the unprecedented shenanigans of your teammates too.

"Stop being idiots! How old are you guys again?!" You briskly scolded Tanaka and Nishinoya, the two making a scene when 2 fellow students had attempted to talk to Kiyoko, yourself adamantly dragging them off by their collars.

Meanwhile, Sugawara contrasted your father-like harshness with his polite formal apology and bow, softly chuckling at his underclassmen despite the raised brow you offered him.

"Don't encourage them babe."

"I won't, but it's nice to see them so protective of their friends, don't you think (Y/n)?" You tiredly hummed in agreement, the pair gazing at you with unnerving sparkles in their eyes. You knew they sought Sugawara for relationship advice the second you'd kissed him last year.

The first years were overlooking the scene with amusement however, Tsukishima with a smirk smugger than most - if Tanaka saw he'd likely call on it.

"It's cool how Sugawara-Senpai is like a mother figure huh?" Yamaguchi absentmindedly stated to the surrounding first years, Hinata eagerly hopping to his feet with a curious look.

"Would that make (L/n)-san the Dad then? Since they're dating and all."

"Sure." Tsukki rolled his eyes, sarcastic answer overshadowed by the scolding of Kageyama.

"Why do you care dumbass? We've gotta practice!"


It was that evening you chilled beside your distracted boyfriend after you'd walked home together, frowning at the increasing strain he'd carried on his shoulders.

"That probably won't work either..." Came his gentle mutterings, a hint of frustration detected within it which left a wistful sigh on your lips.

The Vice Captain was further developing the signals he'd concocted, ones that hopefully would be easier for the Dynamic Duo to utilise.

"How about words?"

"Do you think that'd be too noticeable love?" It was like he'd readjusted to the world again, snapping out of his racing mind to rejoin you with a gentle kiss placed to the side of your head.

"Depends, like how when I want to leave for private reasons it's 'Something unexpected came up.' but when it's for, ahem - y'know, I say 'Something personal came up.' sort of thing." You thoughtfully explained, meeting his lips with a chaste kiss upon finishing your elaboration.

A soft smile was sent in your direction - following his subtle smirk regarding your activities that is - yet you could see the mechanisms grinding behind his admiring eyes as he manufactured silent scenarios.

"That could work... I'm so lucky to have you (Y/n)~" You hadn't the chance to reply nor act as he tackled you into soft sheets, laughter rebounding off of walls as you settled with one another.


The new tactics were delivered by Sugawara at the next VBC practice, and whilst it took a few trials for Kageyama and Hinata to effectively implement the strategy, it ran smoothly.

It was around clean up, that Suga effortlessly slipped an arm around your waist, a warm sensation travelling through your torso as you gasped slightly.

"You okay (Y/n)?"

"Sure Daddy~" It was playfully insinuating having caught onto the frequent conversations of the first years, whether or not you called him that in private is up to you, even so the sheer flush of his features indicated he hadn't expected the low, flirtatious whisper no matter your little laugh following afterward.


"Isn't (Y/n) Daddy though?" Hinatas puzzled voice vibrantly echoed in the gymnasium, hailing the entirety of Karasunos' attention with the pure innocence of it which starkly contrasted the underlying implications of his inquiry.


No one dared breathe, Sugawara and yourself especially as you each bit back an amused smirk. It was accidental, not believing his hearing to be so hyper-focused.

"I'm gonna tell him!" However, it was Tanaka who heartily interrupted with a devilish intent to his tone - an arm slung around the confused decoys' shoulders before being briskly pulled away by a scowling Daichi.

"Don't you DARE Tanaka!"

"Does that make you my Suga-baby?"

"In your dreams, my love." A bright grin appeared on Kōshis' beautiful features due to the English pun with a taunting nudge against your ribs.

The pair of you and your boyfriend received chastising looks from the Captain, Sugawara offering an all-too-carefree smile and lacing your hand with his - walking out with a smug confidence to his posture.

"Bye guys, (Y/— 'Daddy' and I need to work a few things out~"

"Hey, I haven't finished yet Sugawara!" Daichi exasperatedly hollered back, a false warning considering since the two of you normally kept your relationship PG.

Yet, you couldn't fight the pulsating hot temperatures surging throughout your body upon hearing your lovers charmingly knowing tone.

"Sorry, something personal came up~"


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