Chapter 1: Big News

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Capell stood up on the cliff, stretching his arms over the long walk. The falling rocks have taken a toll on him; he noticed when his arm felt sore as he stretched it over his head. He would have to thank Michelle for healing it for him; he heard footsteps and turned to see Sigmund walking towards him.

“We need to talk,” Sigmund stated simply as he walked beside the younger boy. Capell stared at him for a moment.

“What is it?” He asked. Sigmund was quiet before sighing; he refused to look at Capell.

“I need to tell you something very important,” Sigmund stated again, studying the landscape in front of him. Capell stayed quiet, and let The Liberator continue.

“I trust you've heard of the kingdom Cassandra?” Sigmund asked, finally looking at Capell. Said boy thought for a moment.

“I've only heard the name...” Capell shamefully admitted, he looked at the landscape himself, taking in the sloping mountains and bright blue sky.

“That's alright,” he heard Sigmund answer, “Cassandra was a kingdom led by Volsung, although it was invaded and fell after many years,”

“Wow...” Capell whispered. Sigmund had to let a smile twitch at his lips after hearing his reaction, Capell turned to face Sigmund.

“Um, no offense my lord, but what does Cassandra have to do with the important thing you were going to tell me?” Capell asked. Sigmund let the smile quickly fall, his facial expression back to the stoic, calm face of The Liberator.

“All in due time, but, do you wish to know how Cassandra fell so easily?” Sigmund asked. Capell nodded eagerly, wanting to know more about this lost kingdom, “it fell because the king was absent,” Sigmund revealed. Capell cocked his head.

“How? Why?” He asked almost at once.

  Sigmund held his hand up, telling him to wait a moment. Capell quieted down immediately, Sigmund sighed again.

“Cassandra's queen was pregnant with a child, but, when the child was born; there was a lunar eclipse,” Sigmund explained. Capell's red eyes widened.

“So that means...” He whispered.

“Yes, the child was born as an unblessed,” Sigmund revealed, “The child was trusted with a royal guard, destined to be sent down a river. But, on the cloth the child was wrapped in, there was a message,”

“What was it?” Capell asked. Sigmund sighed shakily.

“It said, 'this boy shall be courageous and kind, he shall be called Capell'...” Sigmund said, barely above a whisper. Capell went dead silent, unable to say a word.

“So...I'm a...” Capell couldn't finish his sentence. Sigmund looked at him sadly.

“Yes, you are the lost prince of Cassandra,” Sigmund said. Capell stared at him, shocked.

 “ do you know that?” Capell asked in disbelief.

This has to be a joke,” Capell thought, “This is some cruel joke planned by Edward or someone...”  Capell was interrupted from his thoughts when Sigmund cleared his throat.

“Volsung, devastated by his child's fate, went to Halgita to have his lunaglyph removed. The rite was performed by Empress Svala, but when one has his or her lunaglyph removed, he or she goes back to their original form,” Sigmund explained.

“A baby?” Capell asked. Sigmund nodded and clenched his fists, he had to tell him. was so hard...

“Svala raised the child as her own; she gave him a new name...” Sigmund explained in a whisper. Capell stepped forward, eager to know who this baby was.

“What did she name him?” Capell asked. Sigmund sighed shakily and brought his hands back to normal, he bit his lips to keep a tear from falling from his eye.

“...She named the child...Sigmund...” Sigmund couldn't raise his voice any higher, but he knew Capell heard him.

 Capell's eyes widened. He took a step back, he started breathing hard, and he couldn't say anything. Sigmund was his father....that's why...

“I'm sorry to drop such heavy news on you,” Sigmund apologized as he walked away, “I'll leave you alone, we'll leave soon,” Sigmund looked at Capell one last time before walking off.

 Capell looked at the ground. He was unable to do anything, he felt limp; he heard angry stomps come towards his way and he raised his head to see Edward. Great.

“What were you and Lord Sigmund talking about just now?!” Edward demanded. Capell clenched his jaw, his fists shook. He was angry, he admitted it. Edward defiantly wasn't helping, why couldn't he leave him alone?!

“Capell, I'm talking to you!” Edward sneered, he shook Capell to get his attention, said boy didn't look at him.

“Leave me alone, Ed,” Capell muttered. Edward narrowed his eyes at the redhead.

“Not until you tell me-”

“Why does it matter?!” Capell interrupted, finally looking at him. His usual dull red eyes were bright with rage now, “is that the most important matter right now?! The only thing that matters is getting to the tower!” Capell hissed. Capell felt annoyed, why? He didn't know. It might be because of the revelation Sigmund had just told him but other than that, he didn't know why he was so frustrated.

 Edward's eyes widened at Capell's tone and silently walked away. Capell watched him, he turned his head towards the scenery over the cliff and he instantly felt better. Capell thought over everything that Sigmund had told him...

 Capell was Sigmund's son. Either it was a very wild coincidence that they met or it was just fate of some sort. Either way, Capell was...happy, he was happy that he had finally found his family, even if it was just a father. Capell let one single tear roll down his cheek and onto the grass below, he didn't care. He found someone that loved him, accepted him...

He had someone to call 'father'

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