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work was stressful. more than normal. between the overwhelming shipments that came in to the unbearably rude customers, it just wasn't y/n's day. while on her lunch break, she called her boyfriend (and downstairs neighbor), adam, to tell him about how her day was unfortunately going.
"he yelled at me because we didn't have springsteen. fucking springsteen!" y/n cried into the phone. working at a record store was not always glamorous.
"listen, baby, i'm sorry. i wish i could be there right now," adam responded, and idea instantly came into his head, "but i'll be here when you get home." y/n said her goodbyes and i love you's and went back to work.


the dreadful day at work was finally over. as y/n made her way into the train to get home, a sketchy looking man kept his gaze with her. luckily, the train ride was short.
as y/n entered the apartment building, she knocked on adam's 1st floor apartment. no response. huh; odd. she made her way upstairs to her own place. as she reached the door, she noticed a note on her door.
"meet me out back -a"
a smile instantly crept onto her face. that would explain the lack of response from adam. she quickly went into her apartment to put her things down and scurried down the stairs to the backyard, and there was adam. he was sitting at the picnic table in the backyard with a charcuterie board, a wine bottle, and two glasses.
"what's all this?", asked y/n, a look of surprise mixed with comfort on her face.
"well, you said you had a bad day, and while i can't fix what already happened, i figured i would make what's left of it the best i can."
"you're fucking kidding me," exclaimed y/n making her way over to adam, and sat down on his lap and planted a kiss on his forehead. after a few moments of sitting there and just taking in each other's presence, y/n moved to the chair next to adam.


y/n told adam all about her day in detail, the grip on her legs draped in his lap tightening. he was very protective of her, so when he heard what happened, he got a bit angry, but y/n was able to calm him down quickly by running her fingers through his hair a little. they continued to eat and laugh and drink and soon enough, the sun was down and y/n was a little drunk; not too much but just enough to where she was a little loopy and wobbly.
"i think it's time we get you upstairs, silly goose," adam giggled, grabbing y/n's arm to help her up the stairs. as she stood up, he pulled her hair out from her face and pulled the hair tie that y/n gave him in case of emergencies and used it to get her hair out of the way. holding on tightly to y/n's hips so she wouldn't fall over, adam led her up to her apartment. stairs were definitely difficult.
as he closed the door behind him, y/n turned to face him, body slightly limp.
"cuddles," was all she could muster, but adam got what she meant.
"come on, let's get you ready for bed first," and he led her into her own bedroom.
slipping off her shirt and jeans, he grabbed an old oversized sweatshirt (it was his) from her dresser and helped her get it on. as her head peaked through the hole, she slumped over, patiently waiting for adam to come lay beside her, as he went to put her clothes in the laundry bin. when he came back, she let out an excited squeal, her arms open wide. as he laid down next to her, she snuggled up next to him, his long arms engulfing her. soon enough, he heard light snores coming from y/n. letting out a light giggle, he began tracing circles on her back with his long fingers, humming a tune that was in his head. every now and again she would stir, and he would place a kiss on the top of her head as if to say 'go back to sleep; it's alright'.
as adam was starting to drift off to sleep, he felt y/n shift drastically in his arms. he opened his eyes and was met with hers. as he looked at her, she began to speak.
"can i hold you now please?", she croaked, her voice still not completely back from sleeping. adam watched as her eyes grew big, and he knew that he couldn't say no, so they switched places, and they both quickly fell asleep.

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