lazy sunday

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it was a beautiful sunday morning. you and adam had just moved into your first official space together - a log cabin in laurel canyon. you both had grown to hate the noise and bustle of hollywood, and living in a large house in the hollywood hills (affectionately called "the g-spot") with his two best friends wasn't really cutting it anymore. in your new home, things were calmer, and quieter. everything you did together felt so much more domestic. you began your morning every day by drinking your coffee on the porch while your dog ran around the area. usually it was just you because adam liked to sleep in a few extra minutes, but that morning, as you leaned over the railing, sipping coffee, you felt a pair of arms snake around you from behind.
"good morning pretty girl," you hear, adam's voice in your ear as his beard tickled your neck.
"good morning to you too, handsome," you said turning around to face him and stand on your tiptoes to plant a kiss on his forehead as he instinctively ducked to your level, just as he had liked it since you were teens. you studied his face, taking in the eye bags and the sleep still in the corners of his eyes. you sat your coffee down next to you on the railing, taking his large hands in your much-smaller ones.
"so what are we doing today?" you asked, hoping he'd say "nothing".
"well, stinky over there needs a bath," he said, pointing to the dog who had found himself well acquainted with the squirrel who just hopped out of a nearby tree.
"we can do that later, right? this is your first full weekend off in weeks and i would really just love to do absolutely nothing today," you said with an exasperated sigh. adam could sense your annoyance and knew that it wasn't out of anger, but because your time together was always precious. instead of responding, he led you over to a clearing on the porch, guiding your hands to his neck while placing his on the small of your back, pulling your chest against his.
slowly, he began swaying back and forth. there was no music playing, but you two were able to keep time with each other as you danced. resting your head in his neck, you plant sweet kisses while whispering, "i love you" between each one. when the song inside your heads was over, you faced each other. grabbing your face, his hands engulfing it, he placed a tender kiss to your lips. you wished every day was like this.
when you two separated, you looked in each other's eyes, beginning to talk over each other.
"your beard tickles."
"you have coffee breath."

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