(PT 2) big brother shika?

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i forgot to mention this earlier but i do not own naruto. i do however own this version of sakura and her backround. ENJOY!

"talking normally"

sakura thinking to herself

inner sakura talking 


once we left the Hokage's office my new kaa-san and tou-san where talking about 'Nara Forrest'. apparently it belongs to the nara clan and the- i mean we take care of the deer in the Forrest and in return they help us with summoning,medical things and protecting the compound among other things. "now dear i forgot to mention that you have a brother , his name is shikamaru" yashiro kaa-san said to me. 

i wonder what he's like? and if he will like me? i mentally whispered   

of course hell like us were awesome plus i have a good feeling outer, ok i trust them. reassured me

ok inner i will trust you, do you think we should tell kaa-yoshino and tou-shikaku about you and the kekki genki and all that? i questioned inner 

well think about it! they said they were friends with mom and dad so they should know about all of this just not our's. we will just have to train with tou-shikaku and maybe even show kaa-yoshino. agreed 

while i was talking to inner i didn't notice that we reached the nara clan compound. once i saw the nara crest on the doors i started to pay attention, i notice that a lot of the people walking by look like kaa-san and tou-san so they must be nara's too, i noticed i wasn't getting weird looks like i did in the rest of the village either they were giving me smiles and waving at tou-san and kaa-san who were waving back. after a bit of walking we came to traditional style house,one story but rather big with a porch that wraps around the house as far as i can tell and it also leads to the nara Forrest. its a nice house and well sized. kaa san walks up to the door and opens it to a living room with a kitchen to the right. to the left is a door that i'm sure is a bathroom. on the other side of the living room is a door that could possibly lead to the hallway. when kaa-san and tou-san take their shoes off and set me down to take my own off they say "were home!~"which is fallowed by a lazy sounding "welcome home". kaa-san goes into the kitchen and tou-san sits on the couch. 

after i take my shoes off and walk over to tou-san and sit next to him. he turns the TV on and starts flicking though the channels and settles on the news. i hear footsteps coming from the door on the other side of the living room and i see it open to revel a boy that looks exactly like tou-san and has the same bored expression on as well. he sees me almost instantly and narrows his eyes and i raise my eyebrow at him. then not even a second later he shrugs his shoulders and mutters "troublesome". and just walks over to me and sits next to me. 

he sits there for a second then looks over to tou-san, "tou-san who's this?" he asks him, and he simply responds "shikamaru, meet your new little sister, sakura nara and sakura meet your new big brother" shikamarus eyes went wide then he sighed and muttered "troublesome women now a troublesome sister to, damn" i just giggled and held out my hand to introduce myself "hello aniki, i'm sakura nara i'm excited to have a sibling" i giggle which he sighs and shakes my hand "nice to know i have an imoto now, it's troublesome...but at least i have another shoji partner" i laughed and decided to hug him, he tensed at first then responded. 

suddenly i felt kaa-san giving us both a bear hug and i laughed and melted i like this family- no. my family, i'm happy i got a second chance. i will protect you with everything i have. "alright shika can you show sakura-chan to her new room, oh and bring this" she went over to my bag and gave it to shika who looked like he was going to fall over. "when your'e done show her around before dinner, and use the room next to yours" he just muttered "yes kaa-san" then took my hand and through the back left living room door into a square shaped area. in the middle of the square is a small waterfall with a small pond which is surrounded with a square porch/hallway that had a bunch of different doors. aniki led me straight and then left to the left last door on that side of the hallway and opened it.

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