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After the incident with the shadows, Azriel was sure he had been found out. Something inside him had been pulling towards Aurora and his shadows were going out of control trying to reach her. Two times they had broken through his reigns and touched her. Azriel knew it could not happen again. If Helion found out, who knows what would happen to him. But it had felt so right. When he was in his room changing, he could hear music in his head playing so clearly as if it was right next to him. When he had gone downstairs and saw Aurora playing, his walls broke down and shadows ran wild. When he was caught watching her he couldn't pull his eyes away. And now, sitting in her library he couldn't stop thinking about her. Especially when she walked into the room in her nightgown.

Azriel was sitting on the second level in a dark corner. As he watched Aurora quietly creep on her tippy toes and close the door as soundlessly as possible. Once she thought she was alone, she walked over to a small cabinet and pulled out a large book. Intrigued, Azriel hid in the shadows not to disturb her and creeped closer.

Aurora opened the book, and what Azriel saw, froze him. Inside the book, there was a hole carved and held a dagger. Aurora, steadily pulled it out and put it to her breast. In the moonlight of a full moon through the window, she gleamed. Her rose nightgown barely reached her thighs and her matching silk nightgown fell down to her calves. Azriel stepped out of the shadows from behind her and said "If you're trying to kill yourself, you'll need to think of a much better plan." Aurora jumped and dropped the dagger to the floor.

"By the cauldron!" she whispered "You can't just sneak up on someone like that."

"So... you wanna talk about it"

"Not particularly." She answered. Just then, Aurora realised her indecency and moved to wrap her nightgown around herself. A strong hand caught her and pulled her hands back.

"What are these?" He said sternly. Azriel grazed over the purple bruises on Aurora's arms and shoulder.

"It is not illegal for a husband to beat his wife" she answered, pulling her robe over her chest and stomach."In fact it is encouraged where I come from" Azriel stood still staring at Aurora. "Look you can't say anything okay? You have to promise me."


"It will just make things worse and-"

"No" he interrupted "Why do you stay here, why did you marry him?"

"Nothing is a choice for me. I was raised to become a rich wife and now I am. My sole goal in life is fulfilled, and now it is time to ensure an heir for Helion."


"I planned to run away..." Aurora said "After the first month I found out my husband has a drinking problem...- along with...others. So I went to my mother and she made sure that I would stay here forever."


"She told Helion. And after he knew, it got worse and I now know I can never leave. I could not do that to this child."

"But you would kill yourself instead." Azriel said harshly. Turning away, Aurora walked to the window and sat down on a ledge.

"I probably wouldn't have done it anyway. I've been coming here for three weeks and I can never seem to finish the job." Azriel picked up the book and dagger and walked over to Aurora. Sitting down, he fiddled with the objects.

"Opponent of the night. This was one of the first books I read, this was a good piece of literature that you decided to maul."

"It was for a worthy cause. The book died with honor." Aurora smiled

"I'm sure it did" He said, picking up the blade."This is an Illyrian blade, where did you get this?"

"My father was an Illyrian warrior." She said solemnly "He met my mother on a mission and then ran away with her to the Day court and had me."

"And your father allowed all of this to happen?"

"He died when I was 10. After that my mother began to teach me to be a lady."

"I'm sorry."

More silence.

Aurora watched the sky with her head propped up on the wall. Again she felt the shadow on her, this time it was on her stomach. Her eyes lifted to Azriel's.

"I must apologize. I cannot control them sometimes." He said

"Don't. I don't mind, actually, it feels nice." she sighed. "He's kicking. That means he likes you."

"He? How do you know?"

"I don't actually know. I'm just hoping."

"You don't like little girls?" he asked, amused.

"No girl should be brought up in this house."

"Well then, in that case" He said reaching his hands to Aurora's stomach "You had better be a boy" Just at that moment, banging came from the door.

"You will not lock me out of my own home Aurora."

"Well then, I must go now, remember what I said. Don't do anything. I'm stronger than I look."

"I know" 

And with that, Aurora ran out of the room. 


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