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Mick sat patiently on the red chair while rereading his lines and stage directions. James and a few other actors were on stage doing their roles meanwhile he was waiting for his time to go onstage. Anita was busy applying a bit of make up on her face while Michéle was asleep next to him. "Jagger! It's almost time for you to get on stage for the threesome scene. Memorize your lines and stage directions and we will call you up in a few minutes," Donald yelled. "Alright," Mick yelled back and stood up from his chair.

He went backstage towards the closet to get undressed and to prepare himself a bit before his time came. "Mick, why are you looking for clothes if you're going to be naked during the threesome scene," a female voice with a german accent called out. He immidiately turned around to see Anita following him into the closet. She grabbed a fur coat and started putting it on her. "I'm here to get undressed to be ready for the threesome scene," Mick said while he took his shirt off and threw it onto the floor. "Seems reasonable. Anyways, I have something important to give you," she approached him and took out a small container of pills, taking his hand and pouring some onto his palm. "What are these for?" he said as he looked at the many pills on his hand. They looked like drugs which he wouldn't complain about but was a bit concerned since he had to be onstage in a few minutes. "They're pills. Take them before you go onstage. It will help you improve your performance," she chuckled. 

"Pills? Aren't we supposed to be completely sober and completely off drugs while acting?" 

"Sober? No! You can be high or drunk while acting but you can still do great. People are better at acting while they're high, you know?" 

"Are you sure? Marianne never said anything about taking drugs while acting."

Anita bursted out laughing while looking at him as if he were an idiot. "Mick, I'm a proffesional actress, she isn't. I've been doing this longer than she has so I know all about acting. Trust me, these pills will help you."

"I'm not sure if I should believe you," Mick said in an uncertain way.

"Fine then. But if you fail or suck at your acting, don't come crying to me about it," she said coldly staring into his blue eyes while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Alright, I'll take the pills. Thank you," he said and popped the pills into his mouth, swallowing them fast.

"I'll see you in a few minutes, maybe. Enjoy the pills," Anita waved and smirked to herself and walked out of the closet, closing the door behind her and leaving him in the room by himself. There was a mirror in the room and Mick walked towards it, making several poses in front of it as if he were a model or something. He made many kissy faces at his own reflection and chuckled. "Who knew you could be so sexy?" he said seductively to himself and started unbuttoning his pants. While pushing his pants down, he started feeling dizzy and tired unlike a few minutes ago when he felt energetic. 

Suddenly he started feeling weak and then he passed out and fell onto the floor. 

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