the hashishin

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The rumours of Mick and Anita's affair was finally spreading and almost everyone knew about it. It was the only thing most Rolling Stones fans could even talk about and it was making Keith even more paranoid. Even though Mick said he didn't fuck Anita, he was still worried and paranoid about the whole thing. The more he heard people talking about it, the more it stressed him out. There was a huge possibility that Mick lied to him just so he wouldn't get mad. Knowing how Mick is, he would fuck any girl in the world without thinking twice. So it made Keith more unsure if to believe him or not.

The thought of his girlfriend and ex best mate having sex haunted him to a deep end. Mick should know how much he cares for Anita and at least consider how he might feel about it too. He was also worried about how Marianne might feel if she found out. But then again, the two weren't together anymore so it probably didn't matter.

Keith needed to find out whether the rumours were true or not because his thoughts were haunting him non stop. Anita wasn't the best person to go to and ask because she could possibly lie too just to avoid hurting his feelings. But maybe asking Anita could make him feel better so he did it. He did trust Anita afterall and he had the hope that she wouldn't lie. So he built up enough confidence inside to ask her about it.

"Anita, did you and Mick actually fuck during the filming of Performance ?" he asked nervously while playing with fingers.

"No, we didn't. I got someone else to replace Mick's role for the sex scene. He looks similar to Mick but he's a completely different person," she said.

Keith sighed in relief but then realized that she could be lying. "Who is this guy that replaced Mick?"

"Some guy I shouldn't tell you about. All you need to know is that he looks just like Mick but with different fingerprints and a different personality. His penis way bigger than Mick's too by the way," she said as she looked at her fingers.

Keith laughed at her comment, "So you think Mick has a tiny todger too, huh?"

"He does have a tiny todger. It's so small," Anita smirked and the two laughed about it together.

"I'm pretty mad at Mick for sleeping with you and leaving the band. God damn he has been a bastard nowadays. 3 headlines on the newspapers are all about him because he won't stop being a problematic bastard," Keith said.

"Mick and I didn't sleep together, I already told you that. I got someone else to play the role of Turner for the threesome and bathtub scene. It's pretty funny how he's gaining controversy nowadays but he might be doing it for attention only. That bastard loves attention and himself more than anything," Anita said.

"I belive you about Mick and you not sleeping together, but rumours keep going around about it. I wonder what's wrong with his head to have done two stupid things recently."

"You and I will be the only ones who know the real truth. Mick is too confused to know the real truth."

"You and I both, honey," Keith said as he wrapped an arm around Anita and they laughed.


Turner got ahold of one of the newspapers with the headlines reading "Mick Jagger slept with best friend Keith Richard's girlfriend, Anita Pallenberg for the upcoming film, Performance," and flipped through the pages. The pages were all filled with information about the infamous rumours. Some of the comments on the pages said things like "Mick Jagger sure is a good friend by sleeping with his best mate's girl." Turner laughed in amusement of the negative things said about Mick on the newspaper and headed home. Mick was still asleep from yesterday and Turner decided that it was best to let him sleep and make him stay inside. If Mick sees the newspapers and reads the headlines, he will probably flip out again and start threatening Turner. Not that Turner was scared, because he knew he was way more powerful than Mick was. It was just getting super annoying seeing Mick get pissed at him for no reason.

Turner pulled out a few vegetables, along with raw mushrooms, out of the fridge and placed them in a bowl. He made a salad that could serve 2 people only. However there was one thing in the mushrooms that made them very special and unique among the other things in the salad. Turner had placed some special type of drugs in the mushroom that was going to affect Mick in some way. This salad he was making was for Mick to eat when he finally wakes up from his sleep.

This mushroom will help me get back my demon which i found inside of Mick, Turner thought and looked at the sleeping figure in the next room

Time to wake him up

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