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Filming for Performance was finally done but Mick was thinking that he was forgetting something. He wasn't very sure of what he was forgetting though. He was trying to think but nothing came to mind. He sighed and took his wig off, placing on the bathroom counter and walked out.  "Filming for Performance is done, Mr. Jagger. But we will need you and the rest of the cast to report here tomorrow to discuss over some things. Got it?" Donald asked, barely bothering to even look up at Mick. "Alright. I'll be here tomorrow," Mick said and then he left the set. 


The next day, Mick, Anita, James, and Michéle were all having some type of meeting with Donald. Donald was ranting and talking about something which Mick was paying no attention to. His mind was wandering off and then that thing he felt he was forgetting yesterday came to his mind. He remembered that they never filmed the threesome or bathtub scene. When they were going to do the scene, he fell asleep and didn't wake up until after it. This was what he was forgetting,, this is something that he HAD to remind Donald about.

"We forgot to shoot the threesome and bathtub scene!" Mick randomly spoke up, interrupting Donald who was still talking and making everyone look at him as if he were crazy. "Mr. Jagger, didn't you see that I was talking? When I talk, you are supposed to pay attention to me. And no, we didn't forget that scene. We already shot it," Donald spoke in obvious annoyance. "No, we didn't. I don't remember ever having the threesome with Michéle and Anita or being in a bathtub with them. We didn't do the scene," Mick argued. "Mick, you fool. We already filmed the scene and you were in it. You're just too high to remember," Anita scolded at him. "Isn't he always high though?" James joked and laughed to himself. "You're not wrong,, but even if I were high, i remember clearly well that we never shot the scene!" Mick protested and then Donald pulled out a small tape.

"If we never shot the scene, then why does this exist? ," Donald said and he turned on a screen. The threesome scene was clearly visible on the screen and Mick saw himself. Well maybe I really am that high, but i swear I have no memory of doing this, he thought to himself. Or maybe it was Anita's pills that drugged me so much that I can't remember? 

"See, you fool. We already did the scene. You are just creating an excuse so you can sleep with Michéle and I again," Anita said.

"Do you believe us now? Or do you still need more proof," Donald said as he turned the screen off and crossed his arms over his chest. 

"I believe you now but I still have no memory of ever doing those scenes," Mick sighed.

"You're probably just too high to remember, that's all. You'll remember later."

"Can I continue with what i was saying before I got rudely interrupted?" Donald said and gave Mick a death glare. 

"Of course," everyone replied and then Donald went on with his speech. 

Mick, once again, wasn't paying attention to the speech and his mind wandered off into his many many thoughts. No matter how hard he tried to remember, he still had absolutely no memory of ever fucking Anita and Michéle at all. Or even being in a bathtub with them. But maybe the others were right. Maybe he was super high and just couldn't remember. It was a strong possibility though. 

Maybe I really am high, I'll remember later, he thought

I'm just high

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